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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, H, 2O, S, T and Y

ARTHROSCOPYarthroscopy n. The examination of the interior of a joint (such as the knee) using an arthroscope.
ARTHROSCOPY n. the examination of joints with an arthroscope.
CHOANOCYTESchoanocytes n. Plural of choanocyte.
CHOANOCYTE n. a cell in which the flagellum is surrounded by a sheath of protoplasm.
ESCHATOLOGYeschatology n. (Countable) System of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death.
eschatology n. (Uncountable) The study of the end times — the end of the world, notably in Christian and Islamic theology…
ESCHATOLOGY n. a branch of theology concerned with the end of the world.
GASTROSOPHYgastrosophy n. The science or art of good eating.
GASTROSOPHY n. the art of eating.
HEPATOSCOPYhepatoscopy n. (Rare) Divination by the liver of an animal or bird. The liver was divided into sections, each section…
HEPATOSCOPY n. divination by examining animal livers.
HYDROSOMATAhydrosomata n. Plural of hydrosoma.
HYDROSOMA n. all the zooids of a hydroid colony collectively, also HYDROSOME.
HYOPLASTRONhyoplastron n. (Anatomy) The second lateral plate in the plastron of turtles.
HYOPLASTRON n. in a turtle's plastron, a plate between the hypoplastron and the entoplastron.
LOATHSOMELYloathsomely adv. In a way that is loathsome.
LOATHSOME adv. abhorrent, also LOTHSOME.
MYTHOPOEIASmythopoeias n. Plural of mythopoeia.
MYTHOPOEIA n. the making of myths.
OSTEOGRAPHYosteography n. The scientific description of bones; osteology.
OSTEOGRAPHY n. a description of bones.
OSTREOPHAGYOSTREOPHAGY n. the eating of oysters.
PHAGOCYTOSEphagocytose v. (Immunology, cytology) To phagocytize; to ingest by phagocytosis.
PHAGOCYTOSE v. to subject to phagocytic action.
POSTHOLIDAYpostholiday adj. Occurring after, or as a consequence of, a holiday; often specifically after the holiday season of late December.
POSTHOLIDAY adj. taking place after a holiday.
SOOTHFASTLYsoothfastly adv. (Archaic) Actually; truthfully; honestly.
SOOTHFAST adv. (archaic) truthful, honest.
SOOTHSAYERSsoothsayers n. Plural of soothsayer.
SOOTHSAYER n. a person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or more rational means.
SOOTHSAYINGsoothsaying n. A method of foretelling the future.
SOOTHSAYING n. the act of divining.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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