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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, 2I, M, P and 2T

DIPLOMATISTdiplomatist n. A diplomat.
DIPLOMATIST n. a diplomat.
IMPARTATIONimpartation n. The act of imparting something, or the thing imparted.
IMPARTATION n. the act of imparting.
IMPASTATIONimpastation n. The act of making into paste.
impastation n. That which is formed into a paste or mixture; specifically, a combination of different substances by means of cements.
IMPASTATION n. the act of impasting.
IMPATIENTLYimpatiently adv. Without patience.
IMPATIENT adv. not patient.
IMPETRATINGimpetrating v. Present participle of impetrate.
IMPETRATE v. to obtain by entreaty, request or prayer.
IMPETRATIONimpetration n. (Obsolete) The act of impetrating, or obtaining by petition or entreaty.
impetration n. (Obsolete, UK, law) The obtaining of benefice from Rome by solicitation, which benefice belonged to…
IMPETRATION n. seeking by entreaty.
IMPETRATIVEimpetrative adj. (Obsolete) Of the nature of impetration; getting, or tending to get, by entreaty.
IMPETRATIVE adj. relating to impetration, also IMPETRATORY.
IMPORTATIONimportation n. The act or an instance of importing.
importation n. The act or an instance of carrying or conveying, especially into some system, place, area or country.
importation n. That which is imported; commodities or wares introduced into a country from abroad.
IMPUTATIONSimputations n. Plural of imputation.
IMPUTATION n. the act of imputing.
MULTIPARITYmultiparity n. The condition of being multiparous.
MULTIPARITY n. the state of being a multipara, giving birth to two or more offspring.
OMNIPATIENTomnipatient adj. Infinitely patient; capable of enduring all things.
OMNIPATIENT adj. enduring all things.
PANTOMIMISTpantomimist n. One who engages in pantomime.
PANTOMIMIST n. an actor or dancer in pantomimes.
PATRIOTISMSpatriotisms n. Plural of patriotism.
PATRIOTISM n. love for or devotion to one's country.
TITIPOUNAMUtitipounamu n. The rifleman (bird), Acanthisitta chloris.
TITIPOUNAMU n. (Maori) a kind of wren, aka rifleman.
TRIPALMITINtripalmitin n. (Organic chemistry) The triglyceride of palmitic acid.
TRIPALMITIN n. another name for palmitin, a glyceride of palmitic acid.
TRIPARTISMSTRIPARTISM n. an established system of dialogue between three related groups.
TROPISMATICTROPISMATIC adj. relating to tropism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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