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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, 2M, N, R, S and U

ARGUMENTUMSARGUMENTUM n. (Latin) logical argument, proof.
CONSUMMATORconsummator n. One who consummates.
CONSUMMATOR n. one who consummates.
GOURMANDISMgourmandism n. A passion for and deep interest in good food.
gourmandism n. Gluttony.
GOURMANDISM n. the state of being a gourmand.
LUMINARISMSLUMINARISM n. painting that shows great mastery of light and shade.
MANUMITTERSmanumitters n. Plural of manumitter.
MANUMITTER n. one who manumits, releases from slavery.
MEASUREMENTmeasurement n. The act of measuring.
measurement n. Value (quantity, magnitude, extent or amount) determined by an act of measuring.
MEASUREMENT n. the act of measuring.
MEMBRANEOUSmembraneous adj. Alternative form of membranous.
MEMORANDUMSmemorandums n. Plural of memorandum.
MEMORANDUM n. (Latin) a note to help the memory.
NEURILEMMASneurilemmas n. Plural of neurilemma.
NEURILEMMA n. the delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber, also NEUROLEMMA.
NEUROLEMMASneurolemmas n. Plural of neurolemma.
NEUROLEMMA n. the delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber, also NEURILEMMA.
PNEUMOGRAMSpneumograms n. Plural of pneumogram.
PNEUMOGRAM n. an X-ray photograph made by a pneumograph.
SCRUMMAGINGscrummaging v. Present participle of scrummage.
SCRUMMAGE v. to engage in a scrummage, also SCRIMMAGE, SKRIMMAGE.
SOMNAMBULARsomnambular adj. Sleepy; asleep.
SOMNAMBULAR adj. relating to somnambulation, sleepwalking, also SOMNAMBULARY.
STRAMONIUMSstramoniums n. Plural of stramonium.
STRAMONIUM n. thorn apple, and its leaves used in medicine, also STRAMONY.
SUMMARINESSsummariness n. The state or condition of being summary.
SUMMARINESS n. the state of being summary.
SUMMARISINGsummarising v. Present participle of summarise.
SUMMARISE v. to make a summary of, also SUMMARIZE.
SUMMARIZINGsummarizing v. Present participle of summarize.
SUMMARIZE v. to make a summary of, also SUMMARISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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