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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, O, S, 2T, U and Y

AUDIOTYPISTaudiotypist n. Alternative form of audio typist.
audio-typist n. A stenographer who uses a tape recorder or similar device as the source of the text to be typed.
audio␣typist n. A person who listens to a sound recording and transcribes it into text by typing.
AUTOLYSATESautolysates n. Plural of autolysate.
AUTOLYSATE n. a product of autolysis, also AUTOLYZATE.
AUTOLYZATESautolyzates n. Plural of autolyzate.
AUTOLYZATE n. a product of autolysis, also AUTOLYSATE.
BUTYLATIONSbutylations n. Plural of butylation.
BUTYLATION n. combination with the butyl group.
COUNTRYSEATcountryseat n. An estate in the country; gentleman’s country residence.
country␣seat n. A second home in a rural area, especially one of a rich, powerful or important person.
COUNTRYSEAT n. a house or estate in the country.
DEGUSTATORYDEGUSTATORY adj. relating to degustation.
FUSTIGATORYFUSTIGATORY adj. relating to fustigation, beating with a club.
GUSTATORILYgustatorily adv. In relation to the sense of taste.
GUSTATORY adv. pertaining to the sense of taste.
NYCTANTHOUSNYCTANTHOUS adj. flowering at night.
POSTULATORYpostulatory adj. Of the nature of a postulate.
postulatory adj. Supplicatory.
POSTULATORY adj. assuming or assumed as a postulate.
RUBYTHROATSrubythroats n. Plural of rubythroat.
RUBYTHROAT n. any of numerous species of humming birds, in which the male has on the throat a brilliant patch of red feathers having metallic reflections.
STATUTORILYstatutorily adv. In a statutory manner; according to statute; lawfully.
STATUTORY adv. of or related to statute.
STIMULATORYstimulatory adj. Stimulative; serving to stimulate.
STIMULATORY adj. serving to stimulate.
STIPULATORYstipulatory adj. Serving to stipulate.
STIPULATORY adj. relating to stipulation.
TAUTONYMIEStautonymies n. Plural of tautonymy.
TAUTONYMY n. the practice of using a specific name the same as the generic name.
TAUTONYMOUSTAUTONYMOUS adj. of or like a tautonym, a taxonomic name in which genus and species are the same.
TETRAGYNOUStetragynous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the order Tetragynia; having four styles.
TETRAGYNOUS adj. having four pistils, also TETRAGYNIAN.
THOUGHTWAYSthoughtways n. Plural of thoughtway.
THOUGHTWAY n. a way of thinking that is characteristic of a particular group or culture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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