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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, R, S, 3T and U

ALTOSTRATUSaltostratus n. (Physics, meteorology) A principal medium-level cloud type in the form of a gray or bluish (never white)…
ALTOSTRATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
ANTITRUSTERantitruster n. (US) A government agent who investigates monopolies.
ANTITRUSTER n. one who advocates or enforces antitrust provisions of the law.
ATTAINTURESattaintures n. Plural of attainture.
ATTAINTURE n. process of attaint.
ATTENUATORSattenuators n. Plural of attenuator.
ATTENUATOR n. a device for attenuating.
ATTRIBUTERSattributers n. Plural of attributer.
ATTRIBUTER n. one who attributes, also ATTRIBUTOR.
ATTRIBUTORSattributors n. Plural of attributor.
ATTRIBUTOR n. one who attributes, also ATTRIBUTER.
AUTOROTATESautorotates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autorotate.
AUTOROTATE v. to self-turn.
FEATURETTESfeaturettes n. Plural of featurette.
FEATURETTE n. a brief feature, esp. a short documentary film dealing with an aspect of the making of a feature film and included on a DVD of the feature film.
OUTSTARTINGoutstarting v. Present participle of outstart.
OUTSTART v. to get ahead of at the start.
STATUTORILYstatutorily adv. In a statutory manner; according to statute; lawfully.
STATUTORY adv. of or related to statute.
STERNUTATORsternutator n. Any chemical agent that causes sneezing.
STERNUTATOR n. a substance which causes sneezing, also STERNUTATIVE, STERNUTATORY.
SUSTENTATORsustentator n. A sustaining part or structure.
SUSTENTATOR n. a sustaining part or structure.
TRITURATORStriturators n. Plural of triturator.
TRITURATOR n. an apparatus for triturating.
TURNTABLISTturntablist n. (Music) A DJ who uses a combination of turntables as a musical instrument.
TURNTABLIST n. a DJ who is skilled in using turntables to obtain distinctive effects from records.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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