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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2A, D, L, M, N and U

ADJUSTMENTALadjustmental adj. Relating to adjustment.
ADJUSTMENTAL adj. relating to adjustment.
ADMINICULATEadminiculate v. (Scotland, law, transitive) To prove; to corroborate.
ADMINICULATE v. to support by corroboratory evidence.
CANDELABRUMScandelabrums n. Plural of candelabrum.
CANDELABRUM n. a candleholder.
FUNAMBULATEDfunambulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of funambulate.
FUNAMBULATE v. to walk the tightrope.
FUNDAMENTALSfundamentals n. Plural of fundamental.
fundamentals n. (Finance) The fundamental analysis data.
FUNDAMENTAL n. something fundamental.
LAUNDRYWOMANlaundrywoman n. A woman employed to wash clothes.
LAUNDRYWOMAN n. a woman who washes clothes for a living.
MANDIBULATEDmandibulated adj. Provided with mandibles adapted for biting; mandibulate.
MANDIBULATED adj. shaped like a mandible, also MANDIBULATE.
MANDIBULATESmandibulates n. Plural of mandibulate.
MANDIBULATE n. something shaped like a mandible, also MANDIBULATED.
PALUDAMENTUMpaludamentum n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) A military cloak worn by a general and his principal officers.
PALUDAMENTUM n. a Roman general's or high military officer's cloak, also PALUDAMENT.
QUADRINOMIALquadrinomial adj. Consisting of four names or parts or terms.
quadrinomial n. (Algebra) An expression consisting of four terms.
QUADRINOMIAL n. an expression of four terms.
SALMAGUNDIESsalmagundies n. Plural of salmagundy.
SALMAGUNDY n. (French) a dish of chopped meat, eggs, anchovies, onions etc., also SALMAGUNDI.
SUBABDOMINALsubabdominal adj. (Anatomy) Beneath the abdomen.
SUBABDOMINAL adj. relating to the lower abdomen.
ULTRAMUNDANEultramundane adj. Extraordinary; abnormal.
ultramundane adj. Extraterrestrial; outside of earth or the universe.
ULTRAMUNDANE adj. situated beyond the world, or beyond the limits of the solar system.
UNACCLIMATEDunacclimated adj. Not having been acclimated.
UNACCLIMATED adj. not acclimated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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