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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing 2A, G, 3L and N

ANALOGICALLYanalogically adv. In an analogical manner; in the manner of an analogy.
ANALOGICAL adv. of or belonging to analogy, also ANALOGIC.
BALLHANDLINGballhandling n. (Basketball) Skillful handling of the basketball when dribbling, passing or receiving.
BALLHANDLING n. the art of handling a ball.
BLACKBALLINGblackballing v. Present participle of blackball.
blackballing n. An instance, or action, of a person being blackballed.
BLACKBALLING n. the act of voting against someone becoming member of a club.
FLAGELLATINGflagellating v. Present participle of flagellate.
FLAGELLATE v. to whip; to scourge.
FLAGELLATIONflagellation n. A beating consisting of lashes, notably as corporal punishment or mortification, such as a whipping or scourging.
flagellation n. (Botany) The formation by plants of flagella, or their arrangement.
FLAGELLATION n. the act or practice of flagellating.
GALVANICALLYgalvanically adv. In a galvanic manner.
GALVANICAL adv. pertaining to direct current from an electric battery, also GALVANIC.
LALLYGAGGINGlallygagging v. Present participle of lallygag.
LALLYGAG v. to dawdle, idle, also LOLLYGAG.
PARALLELINGSparallelings n. Plural of paralleling.
PARALLELING n. a commercial practice whereby companies buy highly priced goods (e.g. perfume) in markets where prices are relatively low and sell them on in markets where prices are higher.
PARALLELLINGparallelling v. (Britain) present participle of parallel.
PARALLEL v. to be extended in the same direction.
SELAGINELLASselaginellas n. Plural of selaginella.
SELAGINELLA n. a plant of the genus Selaginella, heterosporous club mosses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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