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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing 2A, G, L, P and 2R

CALLIGRAPHERcalligrapher n. One who practices calligraphy.
CALLIGRAPHER n. a professional copyist or engrosser, also CALLIGRAPHIST.
MARPRELATINGMARPRELATE v. to inveigh after the manner of Martin Marprelate, the name assumed by the author of certain anti-episcopal tracts, 1588-9.
OROGRAPHICALorographical adj. Alternative form of orographic.
OROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to orography, the description of mountains, also OROGRAPHIC.
PALEOGRAPHERpaleographer n. A person skilled in paleography.
PALEOGRAPHER n. a student of paleography.
PLAGIARISERSplagiarisers n. Plural of plagiariser.
PLAGIARISER n. one who plagiarises, also PLAGIARIZER.
PLAGIARIZERSplagiarizers n. Plural of plagiarizer.
PLAGIARIZER n. one who plagiarizes, also PLAGIARISER.
POLAROGRAPHSpolarographs n. Plural of polarograph.
POLAROGRAPH n. an apparatus for automatic chemical analysis in which a sample solution is electrolysed at successively higher voltages and the resulting current plotted against voltage.
POLAROGRAPHYpolarography n. (Chemistry) An electrochemical technique for the analysis of redox reactions.
POLAROGRAPHY n. a technique for determining the concentration and nature of the ions in a solution by an electrolytic process.
PREINAUGURALpreinaugural adj. Preceding or in preparation for an inauguration.
PREINAUGURAL adj. preceding an inauguration.
PROGRAMMABLEprogrammable adj. Capable of being programmed.
programmable n. A calculator that allows the user to write programs.
PROGRAMMABLE adj. that can be programmed, also PROGRAMABLE.
REAPPARELINGreappareling v. Present participle of reapparel.
REAPPAREL v. to clothe again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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