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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2A, H, N, P, S and U

AGAPANTHUSESagapanthuses n. Plural of agapanthus.
AGAPANTHUS n. a genus of lily native to South Africa.
ANTHOCARPOUSanthocarpous adj. (Botany) Having some portion of the floral envelopes attached to the pericarp to form the fruit.
ANTHOCARPOUS adj. of or like an anthocarp, a fruit resulting from many flowers, such as a pineapple.
DIAPHANOUSLYdiaphanously adv. In a diaphanous manner.
DIAPHANOUS adv. transparent, translucent.
GUARDIANSHIPguardianship n. The office or position of one acting as a guardian or conservator, especially in a legal capacity.
GUARDIANSHIP n. the office of guardian.
HAPAXANTHOUShapaxanthous adj. Being or relating to a hapaxanth.
HAPAXANTHOUS adj. monocarpous, also HAPAXANTHIC.
IPECACUANHASipecacuanhas n. Plural of ipecacuanha.
IPECACUANHA n. (Portuguese) the dried root of various South American plants, used as a purgative, expectorant and emetic, also IPECAC.
PANTOPHAGOUSpantophagous adj. Eating all kinds of food.
PANTOPHAGOUS adj. eating or requiring a variety of foods.
PARACHUTINGSPARACHUTING n. the act of descending by parachute.
PARAGNATHOUSparagnathous adj. (Zoology) having both mandibles of equal length, with the tips meeting, as in certain birds.
PARAGNATHOUS adj. having equal mandibles.
PARANTHROPUSParanthropus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hominidae – a group of extinct bipedal hominids, the robust australopithecines.
PARANTHROPUS n. an Olduvai anthropoid ape.
PHAENOGAMOUSphaenogamous adj. (Botany) Having true flowers with distinct floral organs; flowering.
PHAENOGAMOUS adj. of or like a phaenogam, a flowering plant, also PHAENOGAMIC.
SNAPHAUNCHESSNAPHAUNCH n. (obsolete) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap, also SNAPHANCE, SNAPHAUNCE.
SULFORAPHANEsulforaphane n. (Organic chemistry, medicine) An antimicrobial compound, 1-isothiocyanato-4-methylsulfinylbutane, that…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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