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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2A, 2I, N, P and U

BUPIVACAINESBUPIVACAINE n. a local anaesthetic of long duration, used for nerve blocks.
CAPITULATINGcapitulating v. Present participle of capitulate.
CAPITULATE v. to yield, accept terms.
CAPITULATIONcapitulation n. A reducing to heads or articles; a formal agreement.
capitulation n. The act of capitulating or surrendering to an enemy upon stipulated terms; the act of ceasing to resist…
capitulation n. The instrument containing the terms of an agreement or surrender.
EQUIPARATINGEQUIPARATE v. (obsolete) to regard or treat as equal.
EQUIPARATIONequiparation n. (Chiefly historical, law, philosophy) The transfer or imputation of attributes from one object or concept…
equiparation n. (More generally, rare) Comparison.
EQUIPARATION n. equal treatment.
GUARDIANSHIPguardianship n. The office or position of one acting as a guardian or conservator, especially in a legal capacity.
GUARDIANSHIP n. the office of guardian.
MANIPULATINGmanipulating v. Present participle of manipulate.
MANIPULATE v. to work with the hands.
MANIPULATIONmanipulation n. The practice of manipulating or the state of being manipulated.
manipulation n. The skillful use of the hands in, for example, chiropractic.
manipulation n. The usage of underhanded influence over a person, event, or situation to gain a desired outcome.
MANIPULATIVEmanipulative adj. Using manipulation purposefully.
manipulative adj. Tending to manipulate.
manipulative adj. (Derogatory) Reaching one’s goals at the expense of other people by using them.
MARSUPIALIANmarsupialian n. (Archaic, zoology) Any of the Marsupialia; a marsupial.
MARSUPIALIAN n. a marsupial mammal.
PASQUINADINGpasquinading v. Present participle of pasquinade.
PASQUINADE v. to compose a pasquinade.
PLATITUDINALplatitudinal adj. Characterized by banality or triteness.
PLATITUDINAL adj. of or like platitude, also PLATITUDINOUS.
PUTANGITANGIPUTANGITANGI n. (Maori) a New Zealand bird, aka paradise duck.
SAINTPAULIASsaintpaulias n. Plural of saintpaulia.
SAINTPAULIA n. a tropical African flowering plant of the genus Saintpaulia, commonly grown as a pot plant, the African violet.
SINUPALLIATEsinupalliate adj. (Zoology) In molluscs, having an indented pallial line or sinus.
sinupalliate n. (Zoology) A mollusc with an indented pallial line or sinus.
SINUPALLIATE adj. of certain bivalve molluscs, having an indented pallial line for the retraction and expansion of the pallial siphons, also SINUPALLIAL.
SUPRALIMINALsupraliminal adj. Being above the threshold of consciousness or of sensation. Used of stimuli.
SUPRALIMINAL adj. conscious.
TULIPOMANIASTULIPOMANIA n. an obsession with tulips.
UNPARADISINGunparadising v. Present participle of unparadise.
UNPARADISE v. to deprive of happiness like that of paradise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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