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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, C, D, H, P, R and T

CATHODOGRAPHcathodograph n. (Physics, archaic) An X-ray image; a radiograph.
CATHODOGRAPH n. a photograph created using X-rays.
DIAPHORETICSdiaphoretics n. Plural of diaphoretic.
DIAPHORETIC n. a drug having the power to increase perspiration.
DICTATORSHIPdictatorship n. A type of government where absolute sovereignty is allotted to an individual or a small clique.
dictatorship n. A government which exercises autocratic rule.
dictatorship n. Any household, institution, or other organization that is run under such sovereignty or autocracy.
DITTOGRAPHICdittographic adj. Relating to or exhibiting dittography.
DITTOGRAPHIC adj. relating to dittography, the unintentional repetition of letters in print.
HARUSPICATEDharuspicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of haruspicate.
HARUSPICATE v. to foretell by inspection of animals' entrails.
HECTOGRAPHEDhectographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of hectograph.
HECTOGRAPH v. to copy by hectograph.
HYDNOCARPATEHYDNOCARPATE n. any salt or ester of hydnocarpic acid.
HYDROPATHICShydropathics n. Plural of hydropathic.
HYDROPATHIC n. a hotel (with special baths, etc., and often situated near a spa) where guests can have hydropathic treatment.
HYPERACIDITYhyperacidity n. The condition of being excessively acidic.
HYPERACIDITY n. the condition of containing more than the normal amount of acid.
HYPERDACTYLYhyperdactyly n. (Pathology) polydactyly.
HYPERDACTYLY n. the state of having more than five fingers and toes.
ORTHOPAEDICSorthopaedics n. (Britain) Alternative spelling of orthopedics.
orthopædics n. Obsolete typography of orthopaedics.
ORTHOPAEDICS n. the art or process of curing deformities arising from (originally childhood) disease or injury, also ORTHOPAEDY, ORTHOPEDIA, ORTHOPEDICS, ORTHOPEDY.
ORTHOPEDICALorthopedical adj. (American spelling) Alternative form of orthopaedical.
ORTHOPEDICAL adj. related to orthopedics.
PROCATHEDRALprocathedral n. A church used in place of a cathedral.
procathedral adj. Used in place of a cathedral.
pro-cathedral n. Alternative form of procathedral.
RHAPSODISTICrhapsodistic adj. Characteristic of a rhapsodist; rhapsodic.
RHAPSODISTIC adj. of the nature of a rhapsody.
THUNDERCLAPSthunderclaps n. Plural of thunderclap.
thunder␣claps n. Plural of thunder clap.
THUNDERCLAP n. a clap of thunder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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