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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 2E, P, T and V

APPERCEPTIVEapperceptive adj. Perceptive.
APPERCEPTIVE adj. relating to apperception.
APPRECIATIVEappreciative adj. Showing appreciation or gratitude.
appreciative adj. Capable of showing appreciation.
APPRECIATIVE adj. having or showing appreciation.
COMPELLATIVEcompellative n. (Grammar) The name by which a person is addressed; an appellative.
COMPELLATIVE n. compellation.
COMPENSATIVEcompensative adj. That compensates for something; compensatory.
compensative n. (Obsolete) compensation.
COMPENSATIVE adj. relating to compensation, also COMPENSATIONAL.
COOPERATIVEScooperatives n. Plural of cooperative.
co-operatives n. Plural of co-operative.
COOPERATIVE n. an enterprise or organization owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its services.
DEPRECIATIVEdepreciative n. A statement with a tendency to deprecate.
depreciative adj. Tending to depreciate (In value etc.).
DEPRECIATIVE adj. tending to depreciate.
EMANCIPATIVEemancipative adj. Emancipatory.
EMANCIPATIVE adj. serving to emancipate.
EXPECTATIVESexpectatives n. Plural of expectative.
EXPECTATIVE n. an anticipatory grant of a benefice not yet vacant.
HYPERACTIVESHYPERACTIVE n. one who is hyperactive.
OVEREMPHATICoveremphatic adj. Excessively emphatic, particularly in musical or theatrical interpretation.
OVEREMPHATIC adj. excessively emphatic.
PENTAVALENCEpentavalence n. The condition of being pentavalent.
PENTAVALENCE n. the condition of having a valency of five, also PENTAVALENCY.
PENTAVALENCYpentavalency n. Alternative form of pentavalence.
PENTAVALENCY n. the condition of having a valency of five, also PENTAVALENCE.
PERSPECTIVALperspectival adj. Of or pertaining to perspective.
PERSPECTIVAL adj. relating to perspective.
PETRIFACTIVEpetrifactive adj. Having the quality of converting organic matter into stone; petrifying.
petrifactive adj. Pertaining to, or characterized by, petrifaction.
PETRIFACTIVE adj. petrifying, also PETRIFIC.
PREVARICATEDprevaricated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prevaricate.
PREVARICATE v. to avoid telling the truth by being ambiguous, evading, or misleading.
PREVARICATESprevaricates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prevaricate.
PREVARICATE v. to avoid telling the truth by being ambiguous, evading, or misleading.
PUTREFACTIVEputrefactive adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing putrefaction.
PUTREFACTIVE adj. relating to putrefaction.
RECUPERATIVErecuperative adj. In the way of recuperation.
recuperative n. Any remedy that aids recuperation.
RECUPERATIVE adj. of or relating to recuperation.
STUPEFACTIVEstupefactive adj. Inducing stupor; making drowsy; stupefacient.
STUPEFACTIVE adj. causing stupefaction.
SUPEROCTAVESsuperoctaves n. Plural of superoctave.
SUPEROCTAVE n. an organ coupler giving an octave higher; an organ stop two octaves above the basic pitch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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