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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, C, E, I, O and 2U

AUTOCRITIQUEautocritique n. A self-criticism.
autocritique v. To criticize one’s own ideas.
AUTOCRITIQUE n. (French) self-criticism, esp. political.
AUTOECIOUSLYautoeciously adv. In an autoecious manner.
AUTOECIOUS adv. of fungus, etc., passing through all life stages on same species of host, also AUTECIOUS.
CAUTIOUSNESScautiousness n. The state of being cautious; wariness.
CAUTIOUSNESS n. the state of being cautious.
DECUMULATIONdecumulation n. The process of decumulating; in chemistry, any exothermic molecular change that converts a cumulated…
DECUMULATION n. a decrease in amount or value.
ELUCUBRATIONelucubration n. The act of elucubrating.
ELUCUBRATION n. (obsolete) lucubration.
OVERCAUTIOUSovercautious adj. Excessively cautious.
OVERCAUTIOUS adj. excessively cautious.
PAUCILOQUENTpauciloquent adj. Using few words when speaking.
PAUCILOQUENT adj. of few words; speaking little.
PRIMULACEOUSprimulaceous adj. (Botany) Characteristic of the primrose and other plants of the order Primulaceae.
PRIMULACEOUS adj. belonging to the Primula family.
SEQUACIOUSLYsequaciously adv. By a logically developed argument.
sequaciously adv. With blind acceptance.
SEQUACIOUS adv. intellectually servile, unthinkingly following others.
SILIQUACEOUSsiliquaceous adj. (Botany) Having siliques.
SILIQUACEOUS adj. of or like a siliqua, a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition.
STIPULACEOUSstipulaceous adj. (Botany) stipular; of or relating to stipules.
STIPULACEOUS adj. having stipules.
TUBOCURARINEtubocurarine n. (Pharmacology) Synonym of tubocurarine chloride.
TUBOCURARINE n. a toxic alkaloid obtained from the stem of a South American vine.
UNIMOLECULARunimolecular adj. (Chemistry, physics, of a reaction) involving a single molecule.
UNIMOLECULAR adj. consisting of one molecule only.
UNINOCULATEDuninoculated adj. Not inoculated.
UNINOCULATED adj. not inoculated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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