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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, C, F, 2R and 2T

ANTIAIRCRAFTantiaircraft adj. Alternative spelling of anti-aircraft.
antiaircraft n. Alternative spelling of anti-aircraft.
anti-aircraft adj. (Military) Intended to attack aircraft.
AUTHORCRAFTSAUTHORCRAFT n. the craft of the author.
FRACTIONATORfractionator n. (Chemistry) A piece of chemical engineering or laboratory apparatus that is used to separate the components…
FRACTIONATOR n. a plant for carrying out fractional distillation.
INTERTRAFFICintertraffic n. Mutual traffic; trade back and forth between two entities.
INTERTRAFFIC n. (obsolete) traffic between two or more people or places.
MOTHERCRAFTSMOTHERCRAFT n. the craft of being a mother.
POSTFRACTUREpostfracture adj. (Medicine) After a bone fracture.
POSTFRACTURE adj. taking place after a fracture.
PRIESTCRAFTSpriestcrafts n. Plural of priestcraft.
PRIESTCRAFT n. priestly policy directed to worldly ends.
REFRACTIVITYrefractivity n. The quality or degree of being refractive.
REFRACTIVITY n. the state of being refractive.
TORREFACTIONtorrefaction n. Drying or roasting; especially an anaerobic heat treatment to make wood waterproof.
torrefaction n. (More generally) The act or process of subjecting something to heat or to highly acidic substances.
torrefaction n. (Metaphoric) An angry outburst; vituperation.
TRACTORFEEDSTRACTORFEED n. the automatic movement of a continuous roll of edge-perforated paper through the platen of the printer.
TRAFFICATORStrafficators n. Plural of trafficator.
TRAFFICATOR n. formerly, a movable pointer raised or lowered by the driver of a vehicle to warn of a change of direction.
TRIFURCATINGtrifurcating v. Present participle of trifurcate.
TRIFURCATE v. to divide into three forks.
TRIFURCATIONtrifurcation n. A division into three branches.
TRIFURCATION n. the state of being divided into three forks.
VITRIFACTUREvitrifacture n. The manufacture of glass and glassware.
VITRIFACTURE n. glassblowing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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