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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 2H, 2O and S

ANTHOCHLORESANTHOCHLORE n. a yellow pigment in flowers.
AUTOCHTHONESautochthones n. Plural of autochthon.
AUTOCHTHON n. one sprung from the ground he inhabits, aborigine, native.
BATHOCHROMESBATHOCHROME n. a shift to a longer wavelength in the absorption spectrum of a compound.
CHOREOGRAPHSchoreographs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of choreograph.
CHOREOGRAPH v. to compose the choreography of, also CHOREGRAPH.
CHRONOGRAPHSchronographs n. Plural of chronograph.
CHRONOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording the moment of an event.
COAUTHORSHIPcoauthorship n. Joint authorship by two or more authors.
COAUTHORSHIP n. the role of coauthor.
HAEMOCHROMESHAEMOCHROME n. a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen, also HEMOCHROME.
HOLOPHRASTICholophrastic adj. (Linguistics, of a sentence) Consisting of a single word, such as "Go." or "Whatever.".
holophrastic adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to the stage of development where a child produces simple one-word utterances.
HOLOPHRASTIC adj. of or like a holophrase, a single word expressing a sentence or phrase.
LOPHOBRANCHSlophobranchs n. Plural of lophobranch.
LOPHOBRANCH n. any fish of the pipefish and seahorse genus.
OCHLOPHOBIASochlophobias n. Plural of ochlophobia.
OCHLOPHOBIA n. the fear of crowds.
THEOPHOBIACSTHEOPHOBIAC n. one with an extreme fear of God, also THEOPHOBIST.
THEOSOPHICALtheosophical adj. Of or pertaining to theosophy.
THEOSOPHICAL adj. relating to theosophy, also THEOSOPHIC.
THIOALCOHOLSthioalcohols n. Plural of thioalcohol.
THIOALCOHOL n. another name for a thiol.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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