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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, C, I, N, O, R and X

ANOREXIGENICanorexigenic adj. (Medicine) creating or inducing a state of anorexia.
anorexigenic n. An anorexigenic agent.
ANOREXIGENIC adj. promoting or causing anorexia.
CEFTRIAXONESSorry, definition not available.
CONSERVATRIXconservatrix n. A female conservator.
CONSERVATRIX n. a female conservator.
EXACERBATIONexacerbation n. An increase in the severity of something (such as a disease).
EXACERBATION n. the act of exarcebating.
EXCARNATIONSexcarnations n. Plural of excarnation.
EXCARNATION n. the act of excarnating, removing the flesh from.
EXCLUSIONARYexclusionary adj. Acting to exclude something.
EXCLUSIONARY adj. relating to exclusion.
EXCORIATIONSexcoriations n. Plural of excoriation.
EXCORIATION n. the act of excoriating.
EXCRUCIATIONexcruciation n. Excruciating pain.
EXCRUCIATION n. the act of excruciating.
EXERCITATIONexercitation n. (Rare or obsolete) The exercise or exertion of some power, responsibility, faculty etc.
EXERCITATION n. putting into practice.
EXORBITANCESexorbitances n. Plural of exorbitance.
EXORBITANCE n. an exorbitant action or procedure, also EXORBITANCY.
EXTRICATIONSextrications n. Plural of extrication.
EXTRICATION n. the act of extricating.
EXULCERATIONexulceration n. (Obsolete) ulceration.
exulceration n. (Obsolete) fretting; festering; soreness.
EXULCERATION n. ulceration.
INTOXICATORSintoxicators n. Plural of intoxicator.
INTOXICATOR n. one who intoxicates.
PRAXINOSCOPEpraxinoscope n. (Historical) An animation device invented in 1877 and used in early image projection. It consisted of…
PRAXINOSCOPE n. an instrument with mirrors in which a series of moving drawings appear as a continuously moving picture; an early form of cinematograph.
XANTHOCHROIAxanthochroia n. (Pathology) A condition characterized by yellow patches on the skin.
XANTHOCHROIA n. yellowness of the skin.
XANTHOCHROICxanthochroic adj. Pertaining to people or races with light hair and pale complexions.
XANTHOCHROIC adj. exhibiting xanthochroism, a condition in which all pigments other than yellow disappear, also XANTHOCHROOUS.
XANTHOCHROIDxanthochroid adj. (Anthropology) Pertaining to the Xanthochroi; having fair hair and a pale complexion.
xanthochroid n. (Anthropology) A member of the Xanthochroi.
XANTHOCHROID n. a blond-haired and blue eyed person with fair white skin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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