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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 3L, R and T

BICOLLATERALbicollateral adj. (Biology, of a vascular bundle) Having phloem on each side of the xylem.
BICOLLATERAL adj. of a vascular bundle, having two phloem groups to the inside and outside, respectively, of the xylem.
CITRONELLALScitronellals n. Plural of citronellal.
CITRONELLAL n. a colourless aldehyde with a lemon scent, present in citronella and other essential oils.
COLLATERALLYcollaterally adv. In collateral relation; not lineally.
collaterally adv. Side by side; by the side.
collaterally adv. In an indirect or subordinate manner; indirectly.
CONTROLLABLEcontrollable adj. Able to be controlled; subject to regulation or command.
controllable n. (Business) Any factor that can be controlled.
CONTROLLABLE adj. able to be controlled.
CONTROLLABLYcontrollably adv. In a controllable manner.
CONTROLLABLE adv. able to be controlled.
ELECTORIALLYELECTORIAL adv. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORAL.
ELECTRICALLYelectrically adv. In an electric manner; by means of electricity.
ELECTRICAL adv. relating to electricity.
INTERALLELICinterallelic adj. Occurring between two alleles of the same gene.
INTERALLELIC adj. taking place between alleles.
INTERLOCALLYinterlocally adv. Between localities.
LENTICULARLYlenticularly adv. In a lenticular manner.
LENTICULAR adv. lens-shaped.
LITURGICALLYliturgically adv. In the manner of liturgy.
LITURGICAL adv. pertaining to, of or the nature of, a liturgy, also LITURGIC.
MATRILOCALLYmatrilocally adv. In a matrilocal fashion.
MATRILOCAL adv. of a form of marriage, in which the husband goes to live with the wife's group.
MULTILOCULARmultilocular adj. Having many small cavities or cells.
MULTILOCULAR adj. many-chambered, also MULTILOCULATE.
PATRILOCALLYpatrilocally adv. In a patrilocal fashion.
PATRILOCAL adv. designating a form of marriage in which the wife goes to live with the husband's group.
PRELATICALLYprelatically adv. In a prelatical manner; with reference to prelates.
PRELATICAL adv. relating to a prelate, a bishop or abbot of superior rank, also PRELATIAL, PRELATIC.
SCULPTURALLYsculpturally adv. In terms of, or by means of, sculpture.
SCULPTURAL adv. of or relating to sculpture.
TELERGICALLYTELERGIC adv. working at a distance as in telepathy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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