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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 2L, P, U and Y

AUTOPTICALLYautoptically adv. By means of ocular view, or one’s own observation.
AUTOPTICAL adv. based on personal observation, as autoptic testimony, also AUTOPTIC.
CONCEPTUALLYconceptually adv. In a conceptual manner.
CONCEPTUAL adv. relating to concepts.
COPULATIVELYcopulatively adv. In a copulative manner.
COPULATIVE adv. uniting.
EUCALYPTOLESEUCALYPTOLE n. a volatile, terpene-like oil extracted from the eucalyptus, also EUCALYPTOL.
EUPHONICALLYeuphonically adv. In a euphonic manner.
EUPHONICAL adv. agreeable in sound, also EUPHONIC, EUPHONIOUS.
EUPHORICALLYeuphorically adv. In a euphoric manner.
EUPHORIC adv. overjoyed.
HYPERDULICALHYPERDULICAL adj. of or like hyperdulia, the veneration accorded to the Virgin Mary, also HYPERDULIC.
PANICULATELYpaniculately adv. In a paniculate manner.
PANICULATE adv. having or arranged in panicles, also PANICULATED.
PARTICULARLYparticularly adv. (Focus) Especially, extremely.
particularly adv. (Degree) To a great extent.
particularly adv. Specifically, uniquely or individually.
PERCEPTUALLYperceptually adv. In a perceptual manner.
perceptually adv. Regarding perception.
PERCEPTUAL adv. of, relating to, or involving perception esp. in relation to immediate sensory experience.
POLYNUCLEATEpolynucleate adj. Polynuclear.
POLYNUCLEATE adj. having many nuclei.
PROCEDURALLYprocedurally adv. (Manner) According to a procedure; following a procedure.
procedurally adv. (Manner) In a manner that is concerned with procedure.
procedurally adv. (Manner, usually with generated) Following a computer algorithm, often in a randomized way.
PURISTICALLYpuristically adv. In a puristic manner.
PURISTICAL adv. of or pertaining to purists or purism, also PURISTIC.
SCRIPTURALLYscripturally adv. According to scripture.
SCRIPTURAL adv. relating to scripture.
SCULPTURALLYsculpturally adv. In terms of, or by means of, sculpture.
SCULPTURAL adv. of or relating to sculpture.
SEPULCHRALLYsepulchrally adv. In a sepulchral manner.
SEPULCHRAL adv. funereal; gloomy; dismal.
UNPEACEFULLYunpeacefully adv. In an unpeaceful manner.
UNPEACEFUL adv. not peaceful.
UNPOETICALLYunpoetically adv. In an unpoetic manner.
UNPOETICAL adv. not poetical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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