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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing A, C, L, N, 2P and R

ANCHORPEOPLEanchorpeople n. Plural of anchorperson.
ANCHORPERSON n. an anchorman or anchorwoman.
APPENDICULARappendicular adj. Of or pertaining to a limb or appendage.
appendicular adj. Of or pertaining to the appendix.
APPENDICULAR adj. of or relating to an appendage and esp. a limb.
COPRINCIPALScoprincipals n. Plural of coprincipal.
COPRINCIPAL n. a joint principal.
CYCLOPROPANEcyclopropane n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) The simplest alicyclic hydrocarbon, C3H6, an inflammable gas, sometimes…
CYCLOPROPANE n. a flammable gaseous saturated cyclic hydrocarbon sometimes used as a general anesthetic.
PARENCEPHALAparencephala n. Plural of parencephalon.
PARENCEPHALON n. a cerebral hemisphere.
PERCEPTIONALperceptional adj. Of, pertaining to, or stimulated by perception.
PERCEPTIONAL adj. relating to perception.
PILOCARPINESpilocarpines n. Plural of pilocarpine.
PILOCARPINE n. an alkaloid obtained from jaborandi leaves, also PILOCARPIN.
PLANISPHERICplanispheric adj. Of or pertaining to a planisphere.
PLANISPHERIC adj. relating to the planisphere.
PLANOGRAPHICplanographic adj. Relating to planography; pertaining to printing made from a plane surface.
PLANOGRAPHIC adj. relating to planography.
PLECOPTERANSplecopterans n. Plural of plecopteran.
PLECOPTERAN n. a member of the Plecoptera, stoneflies.
PRINCIPALITYprincipality n. (Countable) A region or sovereign nation headed by a prince or princess.
principality n. (Theology, countable) A spiritual being, specifically in Christian angelology, the fifth level of angels…
principality n. (Obsolete) The state of being a prince or ruler; sovereignty, absolute authority.
SUBPRINCIPALsubprincipal adj. (Mathematics).
subprincipal n. A subordinate principal; vice-principal.
SUBPRINCIPAL n. an assistant principal, as of a school.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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