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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing A, C, N, O, P, S and V

CAPTIVATIONScaptivations n. Plural of captivation.
CAPTIVATION n. the act of captivating.
COMPENSATIVEcompensative adj. That compensates for something; compensatory.
compensative n. (Obsolete) compensation.
COMPENSATIVE adj. relating to compensation, also COMPENSATIONAL.
GALVANOSCOPEgalvanoscope n. A device used to detect electric currents, particularly one using the deflection of a magnetic needle.
GALVANOSCOPE n. an instrument for detecting the presence and direction of an electric current.
GALVANOSCOPYgalvanoscopy n. The use of galvanism in physiological experiments.
GALVANOSCOPY n. the use of a galvanoscope, an instrument for detecting the presence and direction of an electric current.
OVERCANOPIESovercanopies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcanopy.
OVERCANOPY v. to cover as with a canopy.
PICORNAVIRUSpicornavirus n. Any of the family Picornaviridae of RNA viruses, many of which are pathogenic, causing diseases such…
PICORNAVIRUS n. one of a group of very small RNA viruses, including Cocksackle virus.
POLYVALENCESpolyvalences n. Plural of polyvalence.
POLYVALENCE n. the state of being polyvalent.
POSTVACCINALpostvaccinal adj. After vaccination.
POSTVACCINAL adj. taking place after vaccination.
PROVOCATIONSprovocations n. Plural of provocation.
PROVOCATION n. the act of provoking.
VAPORESCENCEvaporescence n. (Rare) The production or emission of vapor.
VAPORESCENCE n. becoming vapour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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