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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing A, D, E, 2I, O and X

DEINDEXATIONdeindexation n. (Finance) The removal of indexation (index-linking of a monetary value).
DEINDEXATION n. the state of being no longer index-linked.
DEOXIDATIONSdeoxidations n. Plural of deoxidation.
DEOXIDATION n. the act of deoxidizing.
DETOXICATINGdetoxicating v. Present participle of detoxicate.
DETOXICATE v. to rid of a poison or the effects of it.
DETOXICATIONdetoxication n. (Biochemistry) Any metabolic process by which the toxicity of a material is reduced.
detoxication n. (Medicine) Any treatment of a patient suffering from poisoning that promotes physiological process to…
DETOXICATION n. the act of detoxicating.
DOMINATRIXESdominatrixes n. Plural of dominatrix.
DOMINATRIX n. a prostitute catering for masochists.
EPOXIDATIONSepoxidations n. Plural of epoxidation.
EPOXIDATION n. a conversion of a usually unsaturated compound into an epoxide.
EXPEDITATIONexpeditation n. (UK, obsolete, transitive, law, forest law) The process of expeditating.
EXPEDITATION n. the act of expediting.
EXTRADITIONSextraditions n. Plural of extradition.
EXTRADITION n. a delivering up of an accused person by one government to another.
HEXAPLOIDIESHEXAPLOIDY n. the state of having six times the normal number of chromosomes.
IDEOPRAXISTSideopraxists n. Plural of ideopraxist.
IDEOPRAXIST n. one who is impelled to carry out an idea.
PEROXIDATIONperoxidation n. (Chemistry) Any oxidation reaction, especially of an oxide, that produces a peroxide.
peroxidation n. (Organic chemistry) The reaction of a double bond with a peroxide.
PEROXIDATION n. the creation of a peroxide.
PYRIDOXAMINEpyridoxamine n. (Biochemistry) A constituent of vitamin B6, essential for the metabolism of starch and amino acids.
PYRIDOXAMINE n. a crystalline amine of the vitamin B6 group.
REOXIDATIONSreoxidations n. Plural of reoxidation.
REOXIDATION n. the process of reoxidizing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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