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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, D, 2I, 2N and Z

AGGRANDIZINGaggrandizing v. Present participle of aggrandize.
AGGRANDIZE v. to increase the power or rank of; to make greater, also AGGRANDISE.
ANODIZATIONSanodizations n. Plural of anodization.
ANODIZATION n. the process of anodizing, also ANODISATION.
CANNIBALIZEDcannibalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of cannibalize.
CANNIBALIZE v. to take salvageable parts from (as a disabled machine) for use in building or repairing another machine, also CANNIBALISE.
DEHUMANIZINGdehumanizing v. Present participle of dehumanize.
dehumanizing n. An act of dehumanization.
DEHUMANIZE v. to deprive of human qualities, also DEHUMANISE.
DEIONIZATIONdeionization n. (Chemistry) The use of ion exchange to remove ionic substances from a solution.
deionization n. (Chemistry) The return of an ionized gas to its neutral state.
DEIONIZATION n. the process of deionizing, also DEIONISATION.
DEMONIZATIONdemonization n. The act of demonizing.
demonization n. Something demonized. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
DEMONIZATION n. the act of demonising, also DEMONISATION.
DENATURIZINGdenaturizing v. Present participle of denaturize.
DENATURIZE v. to remove the nature from, also DENATURISE.
DESALINIZINGdesalinizing v. Present participle of desalinize.
DESALINIZE v. to remove the salt from, also DESALINISE.
DIVINIZATIONdivinization n. The act or process of making divine.
DIVINIZATION n. the process of divinizing, also DIVINISATION.
GORMANDIZINGgormandizing v. Present participle of gormandize.
gormandizing n. The act of one who gormandizes.
GORMANDIZING n. indulging in food to excess, also GORMANDISING.
HANSARDIZINGHansardizing v. Present participle of Hansardize.
HANSARDIZE v. to confront someone with his or her previously recorded opinions, also HANSARDISE.
INFANTILIZEDinfantilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of infantilize.
INFANTILIZE v. to render infantile, also INFANTILISE.
INTERNALIZEDinternalized adj. Of discriminatory views: held against one’s own group, as a result of internalizing them.
internalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of internalize.
INTERNALIZE v. to make internal, also INTERNALISE.
NATIONALIZEDnationalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of nationalize.
NATIONALIZE v. to put an industry under state control, also NATIONALISE.
NOMADIZATIONnomadization n. Conversion to a nomadic lifestyle.
NOMADIZATION n. the act of nomadizing, also NOMADISATION.
SCANDALIZINGscandalizing v. Present participle of scandalize.
scandalizing adj. Tending to cause a scandal; scandalous.
scandalizing n. Scandalization.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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