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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, F, G, L, N, R and U

ANGUILLIFORManguilliform n. Any eel of the order Anguilliformes.
anguilliform adj. Shaped like an eel.
anguilliform adj. Swimming in the manner of an eel.
BLUESNARFINGbluesnarfing n. Unauthorized access to the information on a wireless device through a Bluetooth connection, often between…
BLUESNARFING n. the unauthorized access of information from a wireless device through a Bluetooth connection.
CENTRIFUGALScentrifugals n. Plural of centrifugal.
CENTRIFUGAL n. a centrifugal machine or a drum in such a machine.
EFFLEURAGINGeffleuraging v. Present participle of effleurage.
EFFLEURAGE v. to make a stroking movement in massage.
FLAUGHTERINGFLAUGHTER v. (Scots) to cut turfs.
FLUORIDATINGfluoridating v. Present participle of fluoridate.
FLUORIDATE v. to add fluoride to drinking water.
FLUORINATINGfluorinating v. Present participle of fluorinate.
FLUORINATE v. to introduce fluorine into a chemical compound.
FRUGALNESSESFRUGALNESS n. the state of being frugal.
FULGURATIONSfulgurations n. Plural of fulguration.
FULGURATION n. the act of flashing like lightning.
GLANDIFEROUSglandiferous adj. Bearing acorns or other nuts.
GLANDIFEROUS adj. bearing acorns or nuts.
GRACEFULNESSgracefulness n. The state of being graceful.
GRACEFULNESS n. the state of being graceful.
GRATEFULNESSgratefulness n. The state of being grateful.
GRATEFULNESS n. the state of being grateful.
LIFEGUARDINGlifeguarding n. The occupation of a lifeguard.
LIFEGUARD v. to serve as a lifeguard.
REQUALIFYINGrequalifying v. Present participle of requalify.
REQUALIFY v. to qualify again.
UNFLATTERINGunflattering adj. Not flattering.
unflattering v. Present participle of unflatter.
UNFLATTERING adj. not flattering.
UNFORGIVABLEunforgivable adj. Not forgivable; inexcusable.
UNFORGIVABLE adj. not forgivable.
UNFORGIVABLYunforgivably adv. In an unforgivable manner.
UNFORGIVABLE adv. not forgivable.
UNGRACEFULLYungracefully adv. In an ungraceful manner.
UNGRACEFUL adv. not graceful.
UNGRATEFULLYungratefully adv. In an ungrateful manner, done in a way lacking gratitude.
UNGRATEFUL adv. showing no gratitude, also INGRATEFUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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