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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing A, F, N, O, 2R and U

ASTROTURFINGastroturfing n. (Originally US politics, now social media, marketing) The disguising of an orchestrated campaign as…
Astroturfing v. Present participle of Astroturf.
ASTROTURFING n. political, advertising, or public relations campaigning that seeks to create the impression of being spontaneous 'grassroots' behavior.
BRASSFOUNDERbrassfounder n. A metalworker who casts objects from brass.
BRASSFOUNDER n. a person who casts objects in brass.
CONFIGURATORconfigurator n. (Computing) A small software application intended to assist in the configuration of a particular part of the system.
CONFIGURATOR n. an item of software that enables or assists in the configuration of a product.
DRAGONFRUITSdragonfruits n. Plural of dragonfruit.
dragon␣fruits n. Plural of dragon fruit.
FLUOROCARBONfluorocarbon n. (Chemistry) Any derivative of a hydrocarbon in which every hydrogen atom has been replaced by fluorine.
FLUOROCARBON n. any of a series of compounds of fluorine and carbon.
FRUSTRATIONSfrustrations n. Plural of frustration.
FRUSTRATION n. the act of frustrating.
NEUROFIBROMAneurofibroma n. (Medicine) A benign tumor composed of fibroblasts surrounding nerve cells.
NEUROFIBROMA n. a tumour of the nervous fibre.
SUPERFRONTALsuperfrontal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the upper part of the frontal lobe of the brain.
superfrontal n. A cloth placed over the top of an altar, often hanging down a few inches over the frontal.
SUPERFRONTAL n. a covering hanging over the upper edge of an altar frontal.
SURFBOARDINGsurfboarding v. Present participle of surfboard.
SURFBOARDING n. the sport of surfing on a surfboard.
TRIFURCATIONtrifurcation n. A division into three branches.
TRIFURCATION n. the state of being divided into three forks.
UNFOREWARNEDunforewarned adj. Not forewarned.
UNFOREWARNED adj. not forewarned.
UNPERFORATEDunperforated adj. Not perforated.
UNPERFORATED adj. not perforated.
UNREFORMABLEunreformable adj. That cannot be reformed.
UNREFORMABLE adj. not reformable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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