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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, G, 2M, N, R and S

CENTIGRAMMEScentigrammes n. Plural of centigramme.
CENTIGRAMME n. 1/100th of a gramme, also CENTIGRAM.
COMMEASURINGcommeasuring v. Present participle of commeasure.
COMMEASURE v. to be commensurate with; to equal.
GAMMERSTANGSgammerstangs n. Plural of gammerstang.
GAMMERSTANG n. (dialect) a tall, awkward person, usually a woman.
GOURMANDISMSGOURMANDISM n. the state of being a gourmand.
GYMNATORIUMSgymnatoriums n. Plural of gymnatorium.
HARMONOGRAMSharmonograms n. Plural of harmonogram.
HARMONOGRAM n. a curve drawn by a harmonograph.
IMMIGRANCIESIMMIGRANCY n. the state or condition of being an immigrant or a person who comes to a country in order to settle there.
IMMIGRATIONSimmigrations n. Plural of immigration.
IMMIGRATION n. the act or process of immigrating.
IMMISERATINGimmiserating v. Present participle of immiserate.
INSTAGRAMMEDInstagrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of Instagram.
INSTAGRAM v. to share (a photograph) using the Instagram application.
MARCONIGRAMSmarconigrams n. Plural of marconigram.
MARCONIGRAM n. a message sent by wireless telegraphy.
MARGINALISMSmarginalisms n. Plural of marginalism.
MARGINALISM n. an economic theory that the value of a product depends on its value to the final consumer.
MERRYMAKINGSmerrymakings n. Plural of merrymaking.
MERRYMAKING n. gay or festive activity.
MICROMANAGESmicromanages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of micromanage.
MICROMANAGE v. to manage at a detailed level.
MISMEASURINGmismeasuring v. Present participle of mismeasure.
MISMEASURE v. to measure or estimate incorrectly.
MONOGRAMMERSmonogrammers n. Plural of monogrammer.
MONOGRAMMER n. one who designs monograms.
PROGRAMMINGSprogrammings n. Plural of programming.
PROGRAMMING n. the act of making a program.
PROGYMNASIUMprogymnasium n. In Germany, a classical school without the higher classes; a school preparatory to a gymnasium.
PROGYMNASIUM n. in Germany, a gymnasium for pupils up to age 16 only, at which university entrance qualifications are not obtainable.
SPERMAGONIUMspermagonium n. (Lichenology) Alternative spelling of spermogonium.
SPERMAGONIUM n. a receptacle in which spermatia are produced in some fungi and lichens.
STAMMERINGLYstammeringly adv. In a stammering manner, done with a stammer or stutter.
STAMMERING adv. hesitant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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