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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, L, 3N, S and T

ANTINUCLEONSantinucleons n. Plural of antinucleon.
ANTINUCLEON n. the antiparticle of a nucleon.
CANNULATIONScannulations n. Plural of cannulation.
CANNULATION n. the process of inserting a cannula into, also CANULATION.
CONTINENTALScontinentals n. Plural of continental.
Continentals n. Plural of Continental.
CONTINENTAL n. an American soldier of the Revolution in the Continental army.
DISANNULMENTdisannulment n. Complete annulment.
DISANNULMENT n. the act of disannulling.
INCLINATIONSinclinations n. Plural of inclination.
INCLINATION n. the act of inclining.
INCONSTANTLYinconstantly adv. In an inconstant manner.
INCONSTANT adv. not constant, also UNCONSTANT.
INTERNALNESSinternalness n. The quality of being internal.
INTERNALNESS n. the state of being internal.
LANCINATIONSlancinations n. Plural of lancination.
LANCINATION n. a sharp, shooting pain.
NITRANILINESnitranilines n. Plural of nitraniline.
NITRANILINE n. any nitro-derivative of aniline.
NONANALYTICSSorry, definition not available.
NONESSENTIALnonessential adj. Not required; not essential.
nonessential n. Something that is not essential.
non-essential adj. Alternative spelling of nonessential.
NONINTEGRALSSorry, definition not available.
NONMILITANTSnonmilitants n. Plural of nonmilitant.
NONMILITANT n. one who is not militant.
NONNATIONALSnonnationals n. Plural of nonnational.
NONNATIONAL n. one who is not a national.
NONTERMINALSnonterminals n. Plural of nonterminal.
non-terminals n. Plural of non-terminal.
NONTERMINAL n. something that is not a terminal.
SANGUINOLENTsanguinolent adj. Containing or tinged with blood.
SANGUINOLENT adj. containing blood; bloodthirsty.
TAILSPINNINGtailspinning v. Present participle of tailspin.
TAILSPIN v. to perform a kind of spin in an aeroplane.
UNINSTALLINGuninstalling v. Present participle of uninstall.
UNINSTALL v. to remove a program from a storage device, also UNINSTAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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