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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, E, H and 2T

ACATAMATHESIAacatamathesia n. (Pathology) A loss of the ability to understand, especially to understand speech.
ACATAMATHESIA n. the inability to understand data presented to the senses.
AMPHITHEATRALamphitheatral adj. Alternative form of amphitheatrical.
AMPHITHEATRAL adj. of or like an amphitheatre.
ANATHEMATICALanathematical adj. Anathematic.
ANATHEMATICAL n. an anathema, a formal act or formula of consigning to damnation.
ANATHEMATISEDanathematised v. Simple past tense and past participle of anathematise.
ANATHEMATISE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATIZE.
ANATHEMATISESanathematises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anathematise.
ANATHEMATISE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATIZE.
ANATHEMATIZEDanathematized v. Simple past tense and past participle of anathematize.
ANATHEMATIZE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATISE.
ANATHEMATIZESanathematizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anathematize.
ANATHEMATIZE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATISE.
ANTHRANILATESanthranilates n. Plural of anthranilate.
ANTHRANILATE n. a salt or ester of anthranilic acid.
ANTIAPARTHEIDantiapartheid adj. Acting against or opposing apartheid.
ANTIAPARTHEID adj. opposed to apartheid.
APATHETICALLYapathetically adv. In an apathetic manner.
APATHETICAL adv. lacking feeling or passion, also APATHETIC.
ATHEMATICALLYATHEMATIC adv. without a thematic vowel.
EUTHANASIASTSEUTHANASIAST n. a supporter of euthanasia.
HAEMATOBLASTShaematoblasts n. Plural of haematoblast.
HAEMATOBLAST n. a blood platelet, also HEMATOBLAST.
MATHEMATICIANmathematician n. An expert on mathematics.
MATHEMATICIAN n. a specialist or expert in mathematics.
MATRIARCHATESmatriarchates n. Plural of matriarchate.
MATRIARCHATE n. a matriarchy.
PATRIARCHATESpatriarchates n. Plural of patriarchate.
PATRIARCHATE n. the office of a patriarch.
TETRADRACHMAStetradrachmas n. Plural of tetradrachma.
THEATROMANIASTHEATROMANIA n. a craze for going to plays.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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