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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, B, 2E, P and S

ADAPTABLENESSadaptableness n. The state or quality of being adaptable; adaptability.
ADAPTABLENESS n. the state of being adaptable.
ALPHABETISERSalphabetisers n. Plural of alphabetiser.
ALPHABETISER n. one who alphabetises, also ALPHABETIZER.
ALPHABETIZERSalphabetizers n. Plural of alphabetizer.
ALPHABETIZER n. something that alphabetizes, also ALPHABETISER.
CAPABLENESSESCAPABLENESS n. the state of being capable.
CARPETBAGGERScarpetbaggers n. Plural of carpetbagger.
carpet␣baggers n. Plural of carpet bagger.
CARPETBAGGER n. an opportunistic outsider, especially a political candidate who contests an election in an area while having little connection to it.
INCAPABLENESSincapableness n. The quality or state of being incapable; incapability.
INCAPABLENESS n. the state of being incapable.
PALATABLENESSpalatableness n. The quality of being palatable.
PALATABLENESS n. the state of being palatable.
PALEOBOTANIESpaleobotanies n. Plural of paleobotany.
PALEOBOTANY n. the study of fossil plants, also PALAEOBOTANY.
PEACEABLENESSpeaceableness n. The state of being peaceable.
PEACEABLE n. inclined to peace.
PREFABRICATESprefabricates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prefabricate.
PREFABRICATE v. to make standardized parts of beforehand, for assembling later.
SEPARABLENESSseparableness n. The quality of being separable.
SEPARABLENESS n. the state of being separable.
SUBAPPEARANCESUBAPPEARANCE n. a subsidiary or supporting appearance.
SUPERANNUABLEsuperannuable adj. Relating to a superannuation, or retirement benefit fund.
SUPERANNUABLE adj. that can be superannuated.
UNPERSUADABLEunpersuadable adj. Not persuadable; who cannot be persuaded or convinced.
unpersuadable adj. Of which one cannot be persuaded.
UNPERSUADABLE adj. not persuadable.
UNPLEASURABLEunpleasurable adj. That gives displeasure.
UNPLEASURABLE adj. not pleasurable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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