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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, B, 2M, R and S

BICAMERALISMSbicameralisms n. Plural of bicameralism.
BICAMERALISM n. the state of being bicameral, having two chambers.
CIRCUMAMBAGEScircumambages n. Instances of indirectness or deviousness in speaking or writing: circumlocutions.
CIRCUMAMBAGES n. roundabout methods of speech.
COMMEASURABLEcommeasurable adj. Having the same measure; commensurate; proportional.
COMMEASURABLE adj. able to be commeasured.
EMBARRASSMENTembarrassment n. A state of discomfort arising from bashfulness or consciousness of having violated a social rule; humiliation.
embarrassment n. A person or thing which is the cause of humiliation to another.
embarrassment n. A large collection of good or valuable things, especially one that exceeds requirements.
MARIMBAPHONESmarimbaphones n. Plural of marimbaphone.
MARIMBAPHONE n. a marimba.
MEMBRANACEOUSmembranaceous adj. Resembling or having properties of a membrane.
PROGRAMMABLESprogrammables n. Plural of programmable.
PROGRAMMABLE n. a device that can be programmed.
SOMNAMBULATORsomnambulator n. (Archaic) A somnambulist, or sleepwalker.
SOMNAMBULATOR n. a sleepwalker.
TIMBROMANIACStimbromaniacs n. Plural of timbromaniac.
TIMBROMANIAC n. an avid stamp collector.
TRANSMEMBRANEtransmembrane adj. (Biology) traversing a cellular membrane.
transmembrane adj. Of or pertaining to a transmembrane protein or segment.
transmembrane n. (Cytology) a transmembrane protein, or the transmembrane portion of a protein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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