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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, H, P, T and U

AUTOCEPHALIESautocephalies n. Plural of autocephaly.
AUTOCEPHALY n. self-government.
AUTOCEPHALOUSautocephalous adj. (Christianity, of a church) Fully independent of the authority of any other church.
autocephalous adj. (Christianity, of a bishop) Presiding over an autocephalous church.
autocephalous adj. (Comparable) Independent; self-directed.
AUTOGRAPHICALautographical adj. Relating to an autograph, or one’s own handwriting.
autographical adj. Relating to, or used in, the process of autography.
AUTOGRAPHICAL adj. of, relating to, or constituting an autograph, also AUTOGRAPHIC.
CALLITHUMPIANcallithumpian adj. (US) Of, relating to, or resembling a callithump.
CALLITHUMPIAN adj. relating to the sounds of a callithump, a noisy, boisterous parade.
HARUSPICATINGharuspicating v. Present participle of haruspicate.
HARUSPICATE v. to foretell by inspection of animals' entrails.
HARUSPICATIONharuspication n. The act or practice of divination from the entrails of animals slain in sacrifice.
HARUSPICATION n. divination by inspecting animal entrails.
NEUROPATHICALneuropathical adj. Of or relating to neuropathy.
NEUROPATHICAL adj. of or like a neuropathy, an affection of the nervous system or of a nerve, also NEUROPATHIC.
PHARMACEUTICSpharmaceutics n. The art and science of dispensing medical drugs.
pharmaceutics n. (Plural only) medicines, drugs, or other pharmaceutical compounds.
PHARMACEUTICS n. the science of preparing medicines.
PHARMACEUTISTpharmaceutist n. (Dated) One skilled in pharmacy; a druggist.
PHARMACEUTIST n. one who prepares medicines.
RADICULOPATHYradiculopathy n. (Pathology) Any disease of the spinal nerve roots and spinal nerves.
TAUTOPHONICALtautophonical adj. Pertaining to, or characterized by, tautophony; repeating the same sound.
TAUTOPHONICAL adj. relating to tautophony, also TAUTOPHONIC.
THERAPEUTICALtherapeutical adj. Therapeutic.
therapeutical n. Such an agent.
THERAPEUTICAL adj. related to the healing arts, also THERAPEUTIC.
ULTRAPHYSICALultraphysical adj. Extremely physical.
ULTRAPHYSICAL adj. extremely physical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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