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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, D, 2L, N and R

ALDERMANLIESTALDERMANLY adj. pertaining to, or like, an alderman.
ANTIBILLBOARDantibillboard adj. Opposing the erection of billboards.
ANTIBILLBOARD adj. opposed to the use of billboards.
BALLADMONGERSballadmongers n. Plural of balladmonger.
BALLADMONGER n. a dealer in or composer of ballads.
CARDINALATIALCARDINALATIAL adj. relating to a cardinal or to the office of cardinal, also CARDINALITIAL.
CARDINALITIALcardinalitial adj. (Christianity) Of, relating to, or characteristic of a cardinal.
CARDINALITIAL adj. relating to a cardinal or to the office of cardinal, also CARDINALATIAL.
DOLLARISATIONdollarisation n. Alternative spelling of dollarization.
DOLLARISATION n. the process of dollarising, also DOLLARIZATION.
DOLLARIZATIONdollarization n. (Economics) The process of a country, officially, or its residents, unofficially, adopting the US dollar…
DOLLARIZATION n. the process of dollarizing, also DOLLARISATION.
FLANNELBOARDSflannelboards n. Plural of flannelboard.
FLANNELBOARD n. a teaching aid consisting of a board covered with flannel.
GRADATIONALLYgradationally adv. In terms of or by means of gradation.
GRADATIONAL adv. relating to gradation.
INTERRADIALLYinterradially adv. In an interradial manner.
INTERRADIAL adv. between radii or rays.
INTRADERMALLYintradermally adv. In an intradermal manner.
INTRADERMAL adv. situated or done within or between the layers of the skin, also INTRADERMIC.
PALINDROMICALpalindromical adj. Archaic form of palindromic.
PALINDROMICAL adj. of or like a palindrome, also PALINDROMIC.
QUADRENNIALLYquadrennially adv. Every four years.
QUADRENNIAL adv. lasting four years; occurring once every four years.
QUADRILINGUALquadrilingual adj. Involving four languages.
quadrilingual adj. Of a text, written in four languages.
quadrilingual adj. Of a person, able to speak four languages.
RADIOLABELINGradiolabeling v. Present participle of radiolabel.
RADIOLABEL v. to label as radioactive.
TRADITIONALLYtraditionally adv. In a traditional manner.
traditionally adv. From the beginning.
TRADITIONAL adv. relating to or derived from tradition.
TRANSDERMALLYtransdermally adv. In a transdermal manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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