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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, E, G, 2T and U

AGGLUTINATIVEagglutinative adj. Sticky, tacky, adhesive.
agglutinative adj. (Grammar) having words derived by combining parts, each with a separate meaning.
agglutinative n. A sticky material; an adhesive.
ARGUMENTATIONargumentation n. Inference based on reasoning from given propositions.
argumentation n. An exchange of arguments.
argumentation n. The addition of arguments to a model; parameterization.
ARGUMENTATIVEargumentative adj. Of or relating to argumentation; specifically, presenting a logical argument or line of reasoning; argumentive…
argumentative adj. Prone to argue or dispute.
ARGUMENTATIVE adj. given to argument, also ARGUMENTIVE.
AUGMENTATIONSaugmentations n. Plural of augmentation.
AUGMENTATION n. the act of augmenting.
AUGMENTATIVESaugmentatives n. Plural of augmentative.
AUGMENTATIVE n. an augmentative word or affix.
CONGRATULATEDcongratulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of congratulate.
CONGRATULATE v. to express pleasure in sympathy with.
CONGRATULATEScongratulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of congratulate.
CONGRATULATE v. to express pleasure in sympathy with.
EUTHANATISINGeuthanatising v. Present participle of euthanatise.
EUTHANATISE v. to perform euthanasia on, also EUTHANATIZE, EUTHANISE, EUTHANIZE.
EUTHANATIZINGeuthanatizing v. Present participle of euthanatize.
EUTHANATIZE v. to perform euthanasia on, also EUTHANATISE, EUTHANISE, EUTHANIZE.
MAGISTRATURESmagistratures n. Plural of magistrature.
MAGISTRATURE n. the office or rank of a magistrate.
MULTIMEGAWATTmultimegawatt n. More than a megawatt of power.
MULTIMEGAWATT n. many megawatts.
POSTGRADUATESpostgraduates n. Plural of postgraduate.
POSTGRADUATE n. a student continuing formal education after graduation from high school or college.
TELAUTOGRAPHYtelautography n. Transmission of messages by telautograph.
TELAUTOGRAPHY n. transmission by use of a Telautograph, a telegraph for reproducing the movement of a pen or pencil and so transmitting writings or drawings.
THAUMATURGIESthaumaturgies n. Plural of thaumaturgy.
THAUMATURGY n. the performance of miracles.
TRIANGULATELYtriangulately adv. In a triangulate manner.
TRIANGULATE adv. triagular.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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