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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, F, L, M, N and S

ANTIFORMALISMantiformalism n. Opposition to formalism.
ANTIFORMALISTantiformalist adj. Opposed to formalism.
antiformalist n. One who opposes formalism.
ANTIFORMALIST adj. opposed to formalism.
CRAFTSMANLIKEcraftsmanlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a craftsman.
CRAFTSMANLIKE adj. like a craftsman.
FACTIONALISMSfactionalisms n. Plural of factionalism.
FACTIONALISM n. belonging to a faction.
FAMILIARISINGfamiliarising v. Present participle of familiarise.
FAMILIARISE v. to make familiar, also FAMILIARIZE.
FLAGELLANTISMflagellantism n. The act of whipping oneself, typically for religious penance or for sexual excitement.
FLAGELLANTISM n. the practice of whipping oneself or another.
FLAMBOYANCIESflamboyancies n. Plural of flamboyancy.
FLAMBOYANCY n. the state of being flamboyant, also FLAMBOYANCE.
FLAMMULATIONSflammulations n. Plural of flammulation.
FLAMMULATION n. flamelike marking.
FORMALISATIONformalisation n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of formalization.
FORMALISATION n. the act of formalising, also FORMALIZATION.
FRACTIONALISMfractionalism n. (Politics) The division of a political party into groups that may have differing ideologies.
FRACTIONALISM n. the state of consisting of discrete units.
FRANKALMOIGNSFRANKALMOIGN n. land tenure requiring religious obligations on part of tenant.
FRATERNALISMSfraternalisms n. Plural of fraternalism.
FRATERNALISM n. being fraternal.
FUNAMBULATORSfunambulators n. Plural of funambulator.
FUNAMBULATOR n. a tightrope walker.
INFLAMMATIONSinflammations n. Plural of inflammation.
INFLAMMATION n. the state of being inflamed.
MALFORMATIONSmalformations n. Plural of malformation.
MALFORMATION n. faulty structure, deformity.
NONFLAMMABLESnonflammables n. Plural of nonflammable.
SULFANILAMIDEsulfanilamide n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of amino substituted aromatic sulfonamides that are used as antifungal…
SULFANILAMIDE n. a crystalline sulfonamide that is the parent compound of most of the sulfa drugs.
TRANSFORMABLEtransformable adj. Able to be transformed.
TRANSFORMABLE adj. capable of being transformed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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