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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 3S, T and U

APATOSAURUSESapatosauruses n. Plural of apatosaurus.
APATOSAURUS n. a kind of long-necked dinosaur, also APATOSAUR.
AQUAFITNESSESAQUAFITNESS n. fitness obtained through water-based exercise.
ASSUEFACTIONSASSUEFACTION n. (obsolete) habituation.
AUREATENESSESAUREATENESS n. the state of being aureate.
CAUSATIONISMSCAUSATIONISM n. the principle of universal causation.
CAUSATIONISTScausationists n. Plural of causationist.
CAUSATIONIST n. a believer in causationism.
CAUSATIVENESScausativeness n. The quality of being causative.
CAUSATIVE n. relating to causation.
EUTHANASIASTSEUTHANASIAST n. a supporter of euthanasia.
FACTUALNESSESFACTUALNESS n. the state of being factual.
MUTESSARIFATSmutessarifats n. Plural of mutessarifat.
MUTESSARIFAT n. the office of a mutessarif, the head of a Turkish sanjak, a district or a subdivision of a vilayet.
NATURALNESSESnaturalnesses n. Plural of naturalness.
NATURALNESS n. the state of being natural.
PANSEXUALISTSpansexualists n. Plural of pansexualist.
PANSEXUALIST n. a believer in pansexualism.
QUASICRYSTALSquasicrystals n. Plural of quasicrystal.
quasi-crystals n. Plural of quasi-crystal.
QUASICRYSTAL n. a body of solid material that resembles a crystal in being composed of repeating structural units but that incorporates two or more unit cells into a quasiperiodic structure.
SESQUIALTERASsesquialteras n. Plural of sesquialtera.
SESQUIALTERA n. a perfect fifth; three notes against two; an organ stop giving the root, the twelfth and the tierce.
SHAMATEURISMSSHAMATEURISM n. the retention of amateur status while receiving payment for playing or competing.
STEGOSAURIANSstegosaurians n. Plural of stegosaurian.
STEGOSAURIAN n. any quadrupedal herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur of the suborder Stegosauria.
SUBHASTATIONSsubhastations n. Plural of subhastation.
SUBHASTATION n. (historical) sale by public auction.
SUBSIDIARIATSSUBSIDIARIAT n. a collective term for the news sources that would not survive without being subsidized directly (by a government, etc.).
SUBSTANTIATESsubstantiates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of substantiate.
SUBSTANTIATE v. to give substance or form to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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