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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, 2G, 2L and O

ALGOLOGICALLYalgologically adv. In terms of algology, the study of algae.
ALGOLOGICAL adv. relating to algology, the study of algae.
DEMAGOGICALLYdemagogically adv. In a demagogic manner.
DEMAGOGICAL adv. of or like a demagogue, also DEMAGOGIC.
GASTROLOGICALgastrological adj. Relating to gastrology.
GASTROLOGICAL adj. related to gastrology.
GERATOLOGICALgeratological adj. Relating to geratology.
GERATOLOGICAL adj. related to geratology, the branch of medicine concerned with the elderly.
GLACIOLOGICALglaciological adj. Of or pertaining to glaciology.
GLACIOLOGICAL adj. relating to glaciology, also GLACIOLOGIC.
GLACIOLOGISTSglaciologists n. Plural of glaciologist.
GLACIOLOGIST n. a person who studies the geological effect of ice, also GLACIALIST.
GLOSSOLOGICALglossological adj. Of or pertaining to glossology.
GLOSSOLOGICAL adj. related to glossology, the study of language; study of the tongue.
GLYCOSYLATINGglycosylating adj. That produces glycosylation.
GLYCOSYLATE v. to attach sugar to proteins to make glycoproteins.
GRAPHOLOGICALgraphological adj. Relating to graphology.
GRAPHOLOGICAL adj. related to graphology, also GRAPHOLOGIC.
GYNECOLOGICALgynecological adj. (American spelling) Of or pertaining to gynecology.
GYNECOLOGICAL adj. relating to gynecology.
LOGOGRAPHICALlogographical adj. Alternative form of logographic.
LOGOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to logography, a method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used, also LOGOGRAPHIC.
ORGANOLOGICALorganological adj. Of or relating to organology.
ORGANOLOGICAL adj. related to organology.
PARAGOGICALLYparagogically adv. In a paragogic manner.
PARAGOGICAL adv. relating to a paragoge, the addition of a sound to the end of a word, also PARAGOGIC.
PEDAGOGICALLYpedagogically adv. In a pedagogical manner, like a pedagogue.
PEDAGOGICAL adv. of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education, also PAEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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