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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, L, N, 2P and R

CEPHALOSPORINcephalosporin n. Any of a class of natural and synthetic antibiotics developed from Acremonium fungi, having a cepham structure.
CEPHALOSPORIN n. any of a group of wide-spectrum antibiotics derived from the fungus Cephalosporin.
CYCLOPROPANEScyclopropanes n. Plural of cyclopropane.
CYCLOPROPANE n. a flammable gaseous saturated cyclic hydrocarbon sometimes used as a general anesthetic.
INAPPRECIABLEinappreciable adj. Insignificant, undetectable, not able to be noticed.
INAPPRECIABLE adj. too small to be perceived.
INAPPRECIABLYinappreciably adv. In an inappreciable manner.
INAPPRECIABLE adv. too small to be perceived.
PARENCEPHALONparencephalon n. (Anatomy) The cerebellum.
PARENCEPHALON n. a cerebral hemisphere.
PARTICIPANTLYparticipantly adv. In a participant manner; so as to take part.
PARTICIPANT adv. taking part.
PERPENDICULARperpendicular adj. (Geometry) at or forming a right angle (to something).
perpendicular adj. Exactly upright; extending in a straight line toward the centre of the earth, etc.
perpendicular adj. Independent of or irrelevant to each other; orthogonal.
PHILANTHROPICphilanthropic adj. Of or pertaining to philanthropy; characterized by philanthropy; loving or helping mankind.
PHILANTHROPIC adj. of, relating to, or characterized by philanthropy, also PHILANTHROPICAL.
PRECIPITANTLYprecipitantly adv. With foolish or rash haste; in a headlong manner.
PRECIPITANT adv. serving to precipitate.
PRINCIPALNESSprincipalness n. The quality of being principal.
PRINCIPALNESS n. the state of being principal.
PRINCIPALSHIPprincipalship n. The condition, rank or office of a principal.
PRINCIPALSHIP n. the office of principal.
PROSENCEPHALAprosencephala n. Plural of prosencephalon.
PROSENCEPHALON n. the forebrain.
PSILANTHROPICpsilanthropic adj. Relating to, or embodying, psilanthropy.
PSILANTHROPIC adj. relating to psilanthropism, the denial of Christ's divinity.
REAPPLICATIONreapplication n. The act of reapplying; a second or subsequent application.
REAPPLICATION n. the act of reapplying.
SUBPRINCIPALSsubprincipals n. Plural of subprincipal.
SUBPRINCIPAL n. an assistant principal, as of a school.
UNPROPHETICALunprophetical adj. Not prophetical.
UNPROPHETICAL adj. not prophetical, also UNPROPHETIC.
UPPERCLASSMANupperclassman n. (US) A junior or senior student in a school or college.
UPPERCLASSMAN n. a member of the junior or senior class in a school or college.
UPPERCLASSMENupperclassmen n. Plural of upperclassman.
UPPERCLASSMAN n. a member of the junior or senior class in a school or college.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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