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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, 2M, S, T and U

ANTICOMMUNISManticommunism n. Opposition to communism.
anti-communism n. Alternative form of anticommunism.
ANTICOMMUNISM n. opposition to communism.
ANTICOMMUNISTanticommunist adj. Opposed to the tenets of communism.
anticommunist n. One who is opposed to the tenets of communism.
anti-communist adj. Alternative spelling of anticommunist.
CATECHUMENISMcatechumenism n. The religious instruction given to a catechumen.
CATECHUMENISM n. being a catechumen.
CHRYSANTHEMUMchrysanthemum n. Any of many flowering perennial plants, of the genus Chrysanthemum, native to China, that have showy radiate heads.
Chrysanthemum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – the chrysanthemums.
CHRYSANTHEMUM n. any of several cultivated plants of the Chrysanthemum genus, with colourful double flower-heads.
COMMUNALISTICcommunalistic adj. Pertaining to communalism.
COMMUNALISTIC adj. relating to communalism, social organization on a communal basis.
COMMUNALITIEScommunalities n. Plural of communality.
COMMUNALITY n. the state of being communal.
COMMUNICATEEScommunicatees n. Plural of communicatee.
COMMUNICATEE n. one who is communicated with.
COMMUNICATORScommunicators n. Plural of communicator.
COMMUNICATOR n. one who communicates.
COMMUNISATIONcommunisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of communization.
COMMUNISATION n. the act of communising, also COMMUNIZATION.
COMMUNITAIRESCOMMUNITAIRE n. one with a spirit or attitude in keeping with or appropriate to the aims and principles of the European Union.
CONSUMMATIONSconsummations n. Plural of consummation.
CONSUMMATION n. the act of consummating.
MEDICAMENTOUSmedicamentous adj. Having the properties of medicament; medicinal.
MEDICAMENTOUS adj. having the nature of a medicament.
METACOMPUTERSMETACOMPUTER n. a collection of computers that looks and functions like a single computer.
MULTICAMPUSESSorry, definition not available.
MULTIORGASMICmultiorgasmic adj. Capable of multiple orgasms without a refractory period.
multi-orgasmic adj. Alternative spelling of multiorgasmic.
MULTIORGASMIC adj. experiencing more than one orgasm.
SEMIAUTOMATICsemiautomatic adj. Alternative spelling of semi-automatic.
semiautomatic n. Alternative spelling of semi-automatic.
semi-automatic adj. Partially automatic.
UNCONSUMMATEDunconsummated adj. Not consummated.
UNCONSUMMATED adj. not consummated.
UNSYMMETRICALunsymmetrical adj. Not symmetrical.
UNSYMMETRICAL adj. not symmetrical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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