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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, D, E, G, I, M and P

DEMOGRAPHICALdemographical adj. Of or relating to demography; demographic.
DEMOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to demography, also DEMOGRAPHIC.
DEPHLEGMATINGdephlegmating v. Present participle of dephlegmate.
DEPHLEGMATE v. to distill something, such as alcohol.
DEPHLEGMATIONdephlegmation n. (Chemistry, obsolete) The operation of separating water from spirits and acids, by evaporation or repeated…
DEPHLEGMATION n. the process of dephlegmating.
DEPROGRAMMINGdeprogramming v. Present participle of deprogram.
deprogramming v. Present participle of deprogramme.
deprogramming n. The removal of the programming instilled into a person by a religious, political, economic, or social…
DERMAPLANINGSDERMAPLANING n. a cosmetic treatment, often used to treat acne scars, in which surface irregularities are surgically scraped to give the skin a smoother appearance.
DERMOGRAPHIESDERMOGRAPHY n. anatomical description of the skin, also DERMATOGRAPHY.
DIAGEOTROPISMdiageotropism n. (Botany) The tendency of plant organs, such as roots, to assume a position oblique or transverse to…
DIAGEOTROPISM n. the tendency of roots to orient perpendicular to gravity.
DISPARAGEMENTdisparagement n. The act of disparaging, of belittling.
DISPARAGEMENT n. the act of disparaging.
MANSPREADINGSMANSPREADING n. the practice by a male passenger on public transport of sitting with his legs wide apart, so denying space to passengers beside him.
MISPERSUADINGmispersuading v. Present participle of mispersuade.
MISPERSUADE v. to persuade wrongly.
MISPROGRAMMEDmisprogrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misprogram.
MISPROGRAM v. to program incorrectly.
MUCKSPREADINGMUCKSPREAD v. to spread manure on fields.
PREDOMINATINGpredominating v. Present participle of predominate.
PREDOMINATE v. to hold advantage in numbers or quantity.
PREMEDICATINGpremedicating v. Present participle of premedicate.
PREMEDICATE v. to administer premedication to.
PREMEDITATINGpremeditating v. Present participle of premeditate.
PREMEDITATE v. to think about and revolve in the mind beforehand.
PRIMIGRAVIDAEprimigravidae n. Plural of primigravida.
primigravidæ n. Archaic form of primigravidae (plural of primigravida).
PRIMIGRAVIDA n. (Lat.) a woman pregnant for the first time.
PSEUDIMAGINESPSEUDIMAGO n. a stage in the development of certain insects, such as the May flies, intermediate between the pupa and imago.
UNIMPREGNATEDunimpregnated adj. Not impregnated.
UNIMPREGNATED adj. not impregnated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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