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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing A, F, 3I, P and R

CAPRIFICATIONcaprification n. A process for ripening, or pollinating, figs by means of their being punctured artificially, in a manner…
CAPRIFICATION n. a method of promoting the pollination of figs by hanging branches of caprifig flowers so that parasitic gall-wasps living on the female flowers can carry pollen to the wild fig.
FISSIPARITIESfissiparities n. Plural of fissiparity.
FISSIPARITY n. the state of being fissiparous.
INFRAPOSITIONinfraposition n. A situation or position beneath.
INFRAPOSITION n. the state of being placed below something else.
INFRASPECIFICinfraspecific adj. (Taxonomy) pertaining to a taxon at a rank lower than species, such as subspecies (in certain kingdoms…
INFRASPECIFIC adj. of taxonomic divisions of a lower rank than species.
INTRASPECIFICintraspecific adj. Occurring among members of the same species.
INTRASPECIFIC adj. occurring within a species or involving members of one species, also INTRASPECIES.
PETRIFICATIONpetrification n. The process of replacing the organic residues of plants (and animals) with insoluble salts, the original…
petrification n. (Figurative) obduracy; callousness.
petrification n. Sheer terror; great fright.
PORNIFICATIONpornification n. Conversion to the style or level of pornography.
PORNIFICATION n. the introduction of pornographic elements into a film etc.
PROFITABILITYprofitability n. The quality or state of being profitable; capacity to make a profit.
PROFITABILITY n. the state of being profitable.
PROLIFICACIESprolificacies n. Plural of prolificacy.
PROLIFICACY n. the state of being prolific, also PROLIFICITY.
PROLIFICATIONprolification n. (Dated) The generation of young.
prolification n. (Dated, botany) Reproduction by the growth of a plant, or part of a plant, directly from an older one, or by gemmae.
PROLIFICATION n. the production of young; development of a shoot by continued growth of a flower.
PURIFICATIONSpurifications n. Plural of purification.
PURIFICATION n. the act or an instance of purifying or of being purified.
PUTRIFICATIONputrification n. Putrefaction.
PUTRIFICATION n. the act or state of putrefying.
SIMPLIFICATORsimplificator n. One who simplifies.
SIMPLIFICATOR n. one who simplifies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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