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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, B, N, O, T and Y

ABDOMINOPLASTYabdominoplasty n. (Surgery, uncountable) The surgical removal of excess flesh from the abdomen, usually for cosmetic reasons.
abdominoplasty n. (Countable) An instance of such surgery; one operation (procedure).
ABDOMINOPLASTY n. a plastic surgery procedure for the stomach.
ACCOUNTABILITYaccountability n. The state of being accountable; liability to be called on to render an account or give an explanation;…
accountability n. An open determination of one’s responsibility for something and imposition of consequences.
accountability n. Good-faith acceptance of one’s responsibility for something and of its consequences.
AMYLOBARBITONEamylobarbitone n. Obsolete spelling of amobarbital.
AMYLOBARBITONE n. a white crystalline powder used as a sedative, aka amobarbital.
ANTIBIOTICALLYantibiotically adv. In terms of antibiotic effect.
antibiotically adv. By means of antibiotics.
ANTIBIOTIC adv. inhibiting to life.
CARBONYLATIONScarbonylations n. Plural of carbonylation.
CARBONYLATION n. the synthesis of a carbonyl compound esp. by a reaction involving carbon monoxide.
CARBOXYLATIONScarboxylations n. Plural of carboxylation.
CARBOXYLATION n. the act of carboxylating.
CORYNEBACTERIAcorynebacteria n. Plural of corynebacterium.
CORYNEBACTERIUM n. a bacterium that causes e.g. diphtheria.
CYANOBACTERIALcyanobacterial adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to the cyanobacteria.
CYANOBACTERIUMcyanobacterium n. (Biology) Any of very many photosynthetic prokaryotic microorganisms, of phylum Cyanobacteria, once…
CYANOBACTERIUM n. a blue-green alga.
DIAGNOSABILITYdiagnosability n. The condition of being diagnosable.
DIAGNOSABILITY n. the quality of being diagnosable.
FASHIONABILITYfashionability n. Fashionableness.
FASHIONABILITY n. the state of being fashionable.
ORGANISABILITYorganisability n. Alternative form of organizability.
ORGANISABILITY n. the quality of being organisable, also ORGANIZABILITY.
ORGANIZABILITYorganizability n. The suitability or potential for organization.
ORGANIZABILITY n. the quality of being organizable, also ORGANISABILITY.
OVERABUNDANTLYoverabundantly adv. In an overabundant manner.
POLYCARBONATESpolycarbonates n. Plural of polycarbonate.
POLYCARBONATE n. any of a range of strong thermoplastics.
REPROBATIONARYreprobationary adj. Of or relating to reprobation.
REPROBATIONARY adj. expressing reprobation.
SYLLABICATIONSsyllabications n. Plural of syllabication.
SYLLABICATION n. the act of dividing words into syllables, also SYLLABIFICATION.
UNAVOIDABILITYunavoidability n. The state or condition of being unavoidable.
UNAVOIDABILITY n. the quality of being unavoidable.
UNFLAMBOYANTLYunflamboyantly adv. In an unflamboyant manner.
ZYGOBRANCHIATEzygobranchiate adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Zygobranchia.
ZYGOBRANCHIATE n. a type of gastropod having paired, symmetrically placed gills, also ZYGOBRANCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 127 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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