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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, B, 2O and 2S

ASTRAPOPHOBIASASTRAPOPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of thunder and lightning, also ASTRAPHOBIA, ASTROPHOBIA.
CARBONISATIONScarbonisations n. Plural of carbonisation.
CARBONISATION n. the act of carbonising, also CARBONIZATION.
COCARBOXYLASEScocarboxylases n. Plural of cocarboxylase.
COCARBOXYLASE n. a coenzyme that is a pyrophosphate of thiamine and is important in metabolic reactions.
COMPASSIONABLEcompassionable adj. (Archaic) Deserving compassion or pity.
compassionable adj. (Obsolete) Having, feeling, or showing compassion.
COMPASSIONABLE adj. worthy of compassion.
CONTRABASSOONScontrabassoons n. Plural of contrabassoon.
CONTRABASSOON n. a musical instrument playing an octave below the bassoon.
GLOBALISATIONSglobalisations n. Plural of globalisation.
GLOBALISATION n. the process of globalising, also GLOBALIZATION.
ISOCARBOXAZIDSISOCARBOXAZID n. an antidepressant drug.
MALABSORPTIONSmalabsorptions n. Plural of malabsorption.
MALABSORPTION n. faulty absorption esp. of nutrient materials from the gastrointestinal tract.
NEUROBLASTOMASneuroblastomas n. Plural of neuroblastoma.
NEUROBLASTOMA n. a tumour of the nervous system.
PALEOBOTANISTSpaleobotanists n. Plural of paleobotanist.
PALEOBOTANIST n. a student of paleobotany.
SIMAROUBACEOUSsimaroubaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Simaroubaceae of tropical and subtropical trees.
SIMAROUBACEOUS adj. belonging to the Simarubaceae, a family of tropical trees related to the Rutaceae, also SIMARUBACEOUS.
SOMNAMBULATORSsomnambulators n. Plural of somnambulator.
SOMNAMBULATOR n. a sleepwalker.
SUBALLOCATIONSsuballocations n. Plural of suballocation.
SUBALLOCATION n. a subdivision of an allocation.
SUBASSOCIATIONsubassociation n. A subset of a larger association.
SUBASSOCIATION n. a subordinate association.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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