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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, D, M, N, P and T

ABDOMINOPLASTYabdominoplasty n. (Surgery, uncountable) The surgical removal of excess flesh from the abdomen, usually for cosmetic reasons.
abdominoplasty n. (Countable) An instance of such surgery; one operation (procedure).
ABDOMINOPLASTY n. a plastic surgery procedure for the stomach.
AMINOPEPTIDASEaminopeptidase n. (Biochemistry) Any of several enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of the peptide bond of the terminal…
AMINOPEPTIDASE n. an enzyme.
ANTISPASMODICSantispasmodics n. Plural of antispasmodic.
ANTISPASMODIC n. an agent capable of preventing or relieving spasms or convulsions.
COMMANDANTSHIPcommandantship n. The status or rank of a commandant.
COMMANDANTSHIP n. the office of commandant.
COMPASSIONATEDcompassionated v. Simple past tense and past participle of compassionate.
COMPASSIONATE v. to show compassion.
DEPARTMENTALLYdepartmentally adv. In a departmental manner; affecting departments.
DEPARTMENTAL adv. relating to a department.
DEXAMPHETAMINEdexamphetamine n. Dextroamphetamine.
DEXAMPHETAMINE n. the dextrorotatory isomer of amphetamine, used as a stimulant.
DIAPHANOMETERSdiaphanometers n. Plural of diaphanometer.
DIAPHANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the transparency of air.
DISPARAGEMENTSdisparagements n. Plural of disparagement.
DISPARAGEMENT n. the act of disparaging.
DRAFTSMANSHIPSdraftsmanships n. Plural of draftsmanship.
DRAFTSMANSHIP n. the craft of the draftsman, also DRAUGHTSMANSHIP.
ENDOPARASITISMendoparasitism n. Behaviour of endoparasites.
ENDOPARASITISM n. the state of being an endoparasite, a parasite that lives inside an animal.
MALADAPTATIONSmaladaptations n. Plural of maladaptation.
MALADAPTATION n. poor or inadequate adaptation.
MALAPPORTIONEDmalapportioned adj. (Politics) Of an electoral district, characterized by a disproportionate distribution of representatives…
MALAPPORTIONED adj. characterized by an inequitable or unsuitable apportioning of representatives to a legislative body.
OUTMANIPULATEDoutmanipulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of outmanipulate.
OUTMANIPULATE v. to surpass in manipulation.
PANRADIOMETERSPANRADIOMETER n. an instrument used for measuring radiant heat independently of wavelength.
PENTADACTYLISMpentadactylism n. Pentadactyly.
PENTADACTYLISM n. the state of being pentadactylic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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