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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, E, I, N, O and X

ALEXIPHARMAKONalexipharmakon n. Alternative form of alexipharmacon.
ALEXIPHARMAKON n. an antidote to poison.
ANNEXATIONISMSANNEXATIONISM n. the policy of annexation.
ANNEXATIONISTSannexationists n. Plural of annexationist.
ANNEXATIONIST n. a supporter of annexation.
ANTIHOMOSEXUALantihomosexual adj. Opposed to homosexuality.
antihomosexual n. A person who opposes homosexuality.
ANTIHOMOSEXUAL adj. opposed to homosexuality.
EXCLAUSTRATIONexclaustration n. The release of a monk (or nun) from their religious vows, and their subsequent return to the outside world.
EXCLAUSTRATION n. a release from religious vows to return to the secular world.
EXSANGUINATIONexsanguination n. Bloodletting.
exsanguination n. Hemorrhage.
exsanguination n. Slaughter of an animal by cutting its throat and allowing it to bleed out, especially for the production…
EXTRACANONICALextracanonical adj. Outside of canon.
EXTRACANONICAL adj. not part of the canon of the Bible.
EXTRAORDINAIREextraordinaire adj. (Postpositive) Extraordinary, remarkable, outstanding.
extraordinaire adj. (Postpositive) (of a person) Particularly skilled; unusually active; particularly successful.
extraordinaire n. Something particularly remarkable or outstanding.
EXTRAPOLATIONSextrapolations n. Plural of extrapolation.
EXTRAPOLATION n. the act of extrapolating.
EXTRAVAGATIONSextravagations n. Plural of extravagation.
EXTRAVAGATION n. the act of extravagating, wandering.
EXTRAVASATIONSextravasations n. Plural of extravasation.
EXTRAVASATION n. an escape or effusion of blood or other fluid, esp. from many small vessels into surrounding tissue.
HEXOSAMINIDASEhexosaminidase n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal hexosamine residues in hexosaminides.
HEXOSAMINIDASE n. either of two hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze the splitting off of a hexose from a ganglioside and are deficient in some metabolic diseases.
ISOALLOXAZINESisoalloxazines n. Plural of isoalloxazine.
ISOALLOXAZINE n. a yellow solid that is the precursor of various flavins, such as riboflavin.
LEXICALISATIONlexicalisation n. Alternative spelling of lexicalization.
LEXICALISATION n. the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction, also LEXICALIZATION.
LEXICALIZATIONlexicalization n. The act or process of lexicalizing.
lexicalization n. Something lexicalized.
LEXICALIZATION n. the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction, also LEXICALISATION.
REEXAMINATIONSreexaminations n. Plural of reexamination.
reëxaminations n. Plural of reëxamination.
re-examinations n. Plural of re-examination.
SEXUALISATIONSsexualisations n. Plural of sexualisation.
SEXUALISATION n. the process of sexualising, also SEXUALIZATION.
SEXUALIZATIONSsexualizations n. Plural of sexualization.
SEXUALIZATION n. the process of sexualizing, also SEXUALISATION.
TEXTUALIZATIONtextualization n. The act or process of textualizing; rendering as text.
textualization n. The result of textualizing; a written version.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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