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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing A, E, M, 2O, T and V

COMMEMORATIVEScommemoratives n. Plural of commemorative.
COMMEMORATIVE n. something intended as a commemoration.
CONGLOMERATIVEconglomerative adj. Causing, or relating to, conglomeration.
CONGLOMERATIVE adj. tending to conglomerate.
CONSERVATORIUMconservatorium n. (Music) conservatory.
CONSERVATORIUM n. (Latin) a school of music, also CONSERVATOIRE.
ENVENOMISATIONenvenomisation n. Alternative form of envenomization.
ENVENOMISATION n. the process of envenoming, also ENVENOMIZATION.
ENVENOMIZATIONenvenomization n. Poisoning by the venom of a living creature.
ENVENOMIZATION n. the process of envenoming, also ENVENOMISATION.
IMPROVISATORESimprovisatores n. Plural of improvisatore.
IMPROVISATORE n. (Italian) an improviser in an Italian manner, also IMPROVVISATORE.
IMPROVVISATOREimprovvisatore n. Alternative form of improvisatore.
IMPROVVISATORE n. (Italian) an improviser in an Italian manner, also IMPROVISATORE.
MACROEVOLUTIONmacroevolution n. Large-scale patterns or processes in the history of life, including the origins of novel organism designs…
MACROEVOLUTION n. evolution that results in relatively large and complex changes, as in species formation.
NONCOMMUTATIVEnoncommutative adj. (Of an algebraic structure) Not having commutativity of all elements under its operation.
NONCOMMUTATIVE adj. not commutative.
OUTMANOEUVRINGoutmanoeuvring v. Present participle of outmanoeuvre.
outmanœuvring v. Present participle of outmanœuvre.
OUTMANOEUVRE v. to surpass in manoeuvring, also OUTMANEUVER.
OVARIECTOMISEDovariectomised v. Simple past tense and past participle of ovariectomise.
OVARIECTOMISED adj. having undergone an ovariectomy, the surgical removal of the ovaries, also OVARIECTOMIZED.
OVARIECTOMIZEDovariectomized v. Simple past tense and past participle of ovariectomize.
OVARIECTOMIZED adj. having undergone an ovariectomy, the surgical removal of the ovaries, also OVARIECTOMISED.
OVERCOMPENSATEovercompensate v. (Intransitive) To do an excessive amount in one area in an effort to overcome a perceived lack in another area.
overcompensate v. (Transitive) To provide with excessive pay or reward for work performed.
OVERCOMPENSATE v. to compensate excessively.
OVERCOMPLICATEovercomplicate v. (Transitive) To make something excessively complicated.
OVERCOMPLICATE v. to complicate excessively.
OVERESTIMATIONoverestimation n. An excessive estimation.
OVERESTIMATION n. the act of overestimating.
OVERMEDICATIONovermedication n. (Medicine) Excessive medicating; overuse of medication.
OVERMEDICATION n. excessive medication.
OVERORNAMENTEDoverornamented v. Simple past tense and past participle of overornament.
OVERORNAMENT v. to ornament excessively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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