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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing A, I, 3L, O and U

AUDIOLOGICALLYaudiologically adv. In an audiological manner; by way of audiology.
AUDIOLOGICAL adv. relating to the study of hearing, also AUDIOLOGIC.
COLLOQUIALISMScolloquialisms n. Plural of colloquialism.
COLLOQUIALISM n. a colloquial expression.
COLLOQUIALISTScolloquialists n. Plural of colloquialist.
COLLOQUIALIST n. one who uses colloquialisms.
COLLOQUIALNESScolloquialness n. The state or quality of being colloquial.
COLLOQUIALNESS n. the quality of being colloquial.
EULOGISTICALLYeulogistically adv. In the form or manner of a eulogy; with praise.
EULOGISTICAL adv. of or like a eulogy, also EULOGISTIC.
FLAGELLIFEROUSflagelliferous adj. Bearing a flagellum.
FLAGELLIFEROUS adj. bearing a whip or flagellum.
ILLUMINATIONALILLUMINATIONAL adj. providing illumination.
ILLUSTRATIONALillustrational adj. Serving to illustrate.
ILLUSTRATIONAL adj. relating to illustration.
LACTOGLOBULINSlactoglobulins n. Plural of lactoglobulin.
LACTOGLOBULIN n. a crystalline protein fraction that is obtained from the whey of milk.
LONGITUDINALLYlongitudinally adv. Along lines of longitude, in the direction from pole to pole, meridianally.
longitudinally adv. (Sciences and social sciences) By sampling data over time rather than merely once.
longitudinally adv. Lengthwise (rather than crosswise).
MULTIFOLIOLATEmultifoliolate adj. (Botany) Having multiple leaflets.
MULTIFOLIOLATE adj. having many folioles.
MULTIMOLECULARmultimolecular adj. (Chemistry, physics) Involving multiple molecules.
MULTIMOLECULAR adj. comprising many molecules.
MULTINUCLEOLARmultinucleolar adj. (Cytology) With multiple nucleoli.
MULTINUCLEOLAR adj. having many nucleoles.
NEUROLOGICALLYneurologically adv. In a neurological manner.
neurologically adv. With regard to neurology.
NEUROLOGICAL adv. relating to neurology, the study of nerves, also NEUROLOGIC.
TAUTOLOGICALLYtautologically adv. In a tautological manner.
TAUTOLOGICAL adv. relating to tautology, also TAUTOLOGIC.
ULTRASONICALLYultrasonically adv. In an ultrasonic manner.
ultrasonically adv. Using ultrasonics.
ULTRASONIC adv. denoting airwaves or vibrations with frequencies higher than those audible to the human ear.
VOLUMETRICALLYvolumetrically adv. In a volumetric manner.
VOLUMETRICAL adv. of or pertaining to volumetry, the measurement of volume, also VOLUMETRIC.
VULCANOLOGICALvulcanological adj. Relating to vulcanology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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