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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, D, F, N, S and T

ANTIFEDERALISTSantifederalists n. Plural of antifederalist.
anti-federalists n. Plural of anti-federalist.
ANTIFEDERALIST n. one who is opposed to federalism.
DENAZIFICATIONSdenazifications n. Plural of denazification.
de-nazifications n. Plural of de-nazification.
de-Nazifications n. Plural of de-Nazification.
DINOFLAGELLATESdinoflagellates n. Plural of dinoflagellate.
DINOFLAGELLATE n. a kind of marine protozoan, one of the principal constituents of plankton.
DISAFFECTIONATEdisaffectionate adj. Not disposed to affection; unfriendly.
DISAFFECTIONATE adj. showing disaffection.
DISAFFILIATIONSdisaffiliations n. Plural of disaffiliation.
DISAFFILIATION n. the act of disaffiliating.
DISAFFIRMATIONSdisaffirmations n. Plural of disaffirmation.
DISAFFIRMATION n. the act of disaffirming.
DISINFLATIONARYdisinflationary adj. (Economics) Exhibiting or causing reduced inflation.
DISINFLATIONARY adj. relating to disinflation, a reversal of inflationary pressures.
DISSATISFACTIONdissatisfaction n. Unhappiness or discontent.
dissatisfaction n. The cause of such feelings.
DISSATISFACTION n. the state of being dissatisfied.
FEDERALISATIONSfederalisations n. Plural of federalisation.
FEDERALISATION n. the process of federalising, also FEDERALIZATION.
FEDERALIZATIONSfederalizations n. Plural of federalization.
FEDERALIZATION n. the process of federalizing, also FEDERALISATION.
FUNDAMENTALISMSfundamentalisms n. Plural of fundamentalism.
FUNDAMENTALISM n. a movement in 20th century Protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as fundamental to Christian life and teaching.
FUNDAMENTALISTSfundamentalists n. Plural of fundamentalist.
FUNDAMENTALIST n. an exponent of fundamentalism.
FUNDAMENTALNESSfundamentalness n. The state or condition of being fundamental; essential importance.
HALFHEARTEDNESShalfheartedness n. The characteristic of being halfhearted.
half-heartedness n. Alternative form of halfheartedness.
HALFHEARTED n. lacking heart, spirit, or interest.
LAPIDIFICATIONSlapidifications n. Plural of lapidification.
LAPIDIFICATION n. (archaic) the formation of stone.
STEADFASTNESSESsteadfastnesses n. Plural of steadfastness.
STEADFASTNESS n. the state of being steadfast.
UNSTEADFASTNESSunsteadfastness n. The quality of being unsteadfast.
UNSTEADFASTNESS n. the state of being unsteadfast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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