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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, M, N, R and S

ARMBANDSarmbands n. Plural of armband.
ARMBAND n. a band of cloth worn on the arm.
DARKMANSdarkmans n. (Obsolete, UK, thieves’ cant) The night.
DARKMANS n. in thieves' slang, night.
DRAGSMANdragsman n. (Historical) A driver of a carriage, coach, or drag, for public transport, private hire, or as a household…
dragsman n. (Obsolete) One who races horses; an amateur jockey.
dragsman n. (Historical) A thief who cuts the luggage from carriages.
GRANDAMSgrandams n. Plural of grandam.
GRANDAM n. (archaic) a grandmother, also GRANDAME, GRANNAM.
GRANDMASgrandmas n. Plural of grandma.
GRANDMA n. a grandmother.
MADRONASmadronas n. Plural of madrona.
madroñas n. Plural of madroña.
MADRONA n. (Spanish) a Californian tree of the Arbutus genus, also MADRONE, MADRONO.
MANDIRASmandiras n. Plural of mandira.
MANDIRA n. (Hindi) a Hindu temple, also MANDIR.
MANDORASmandoras n. Plural of mandora.
MANDORA n. (Italian) an early type of mandolin, also MANDOLA.
MANSARDSmansards n. Plural of mansard.
MANSARD n. (French) a type of roof.
MANWARDSmanwards adv. Toward mankind.
MANWARDS adv. towards man, also MANWARD.
MONARDASmonardas n. Plural of monarda.
MONARDA n. a plant of the Monarda genus of North American aromatic herbs of the mint family.
ROADSMANroadsman n. Alternative form of roadman.
ROADSMAN n. one who works making or repairing roads, also ROADMAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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