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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, E, I, R and S

AEROBICSaerobics n. A form of exercise, designed to enhance one’s cardiovascular fitness, normally performed to music.
AEROBICS n. exercise for conditioning the heart and lungs.
ASCRIBEDascribed v. Simple past tense and past participle of ascribe.
ASCRIBE v. to attribute.
ASCRIBESascribes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ascribe.
ASCRIBE v. to attribute.
BRECCIASbreccias n. Plural of breccia.
BRECCIA n. (Italian) a geological formation consisting of angular fragments of rock.
BRISANCEbrisance n. The shattering effect of the energy released in an explosion.
BRISANCE n. (French) the shattering or crushing effect of an explosion.
CALIBERScalibers n. Plural of caliber.
CALIBER n. the diameter of a gun barrel, also CALIBRE.
CALIBREScalibres n. Plural of calibre.
CALIBRE n. the diameter of a gun barrel, also CALIBER.
CARBIDEScarbides n. Plural of carbide.
CARBIDE n. a carbon compound.
CARBINEScarbines n. Plural of carbine.
CARBINE n. a rifle with a relatively short barrel, also CARABIN, CARABINE.
CRABWISEcrabwise adj. In the manner of a crab; sideways.
crabwise adj. (Figuratively) Incidental.
crabwise adv. In the manner of a crab; sideways.
RIBCAGESribcages n. Plural of ribcage (alternative spelling of rib cages).
rib-cages n. Plural of rib-cage (alternative spelling of ribcages).
rib␣cages n. Plural of rib cage.
SCABBIERscabbier adj. Comparative form of scabby: more scabby.
SCABBY adj. covered with scabs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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