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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, B, I, L, N, O and T

ABLATIONablation n. (Obsolete) A carrying or taking away; removal.
ablation n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of a body part, an organ, or especially a tumor; the removal of an organ…
ablation n. (Sciences) The progressive removal of material by any of a variety of processes such as melting or vaporization…
ABLUTIONablution n. The act of washing something.
ablution n. The liquid used in the cleansing or ablution.
ablution n. (Eastern Orthodoxy) The ritual consumption by the deacon or priest of leftover sacred wine of host after…
ABUTILONabutilon n. Any of the various tropical flowering plants of the genus Abutilon, such as the flowering maple, Indian…
Abutilon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Malvaceae – broadleaf flowering plants in the mallow family found…
ABUTILON n. (Arabic) a flowering plant of the mallow family.
BIATHLONbiathlon n. (Winter sports, uncountable) Racing combining cross-country skiing and rifle shooting; (countable) a…
BIATHLON n. a competition in cross-country skiing and shooting.
BLOATINGbloating v. Present participle of bloat.
bloating n. A bloated condition; distention.
BLOATING n. a disease of cattle and sheep, aka hoove.
BOLTONIAboltonia n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Boltonia of plants in the sunflower family.
BOLTONIA n. a tall perennial flower of the eastern US, aka false aster.
LIBATIONlibation n. The act of pouring a liquid, most often wine, in sacrifice on the ground, on a ritual object, or on…
libation n. The wine or liquid thus poured out.
libation n. (Often humorous) A beverage, especially an alcoholic one.
LOBATIONlobation n. The quality of having lobes.
lobation n. The growth, or formation of lobes.
lobation n. A lobe, or something shaped like a lobe.
OBLATIONoblation n. The offering of worship, thanks etc. to a deity.
oblation n. (By extension) A deed or gift offered charitably.
Oblation prop.n. The offering of bread and wine at the Eucharist.
OBLIGANTobligant n. One who binds themselves to another to pay or to perform something.
OBLIGANT n. in Scots law, one who binds himself or herself to another to pay or perform something.
TAILBONEtailbone n. (Informal) The final fused vertebrae at the base of the spine; the coccyx.
tail␣bone n. Alternative form of tailbone.
TAILBONE n. the coccyx.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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