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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, E, F, I, L, N and R

FILANDERfilander n. (Archaic) A pademelon.
FILANDER n. a threadlike intestinal worm in hawks.
FINAGLERfinagler n. A person who finagles; a cheat or swindler.
FINAGLER n. one who finagles, obtains by guile or swindling.
FLANERIEflânerie n. Idling about, dawdling about, loafing about.
FLANERIE n. (French) commendable idleness or aimless wandering.
FORELAINforelain v. Past participle of forelie.
FORELAY v. to wait in ambush.
FRAULEINfraulein n. A young German woman.
Fraulein n. Alternative spelling of fraulein.
fräulein n. Alternative spelling of fraulein.
INFERNALinfernal adj. Of or relating to hell, or the world of the dead; hellish.
infernal adj. (By extension) Of or relating to a fire or inferno.
infernal adj. Stygian, gloomy.
INFLAMERinflamer n. (Usually figuratively) Something that inflames.
INFLAMER n. one who inflames.
INFLATERinflater n. Someone who inflates.
inflater n. A pump, canister or other source of pressurised gas used to inflate tires.
inflater n. (Economics) A cause of inflation.
RIFLEMANrifleman n. A soldier trained to use a rifle as their primary weapon.
rifleman n. A person especially skilled in the use of a rifle.
rifleman n. A small wrenlike insectivorous passerine bird endemic to New Zealand, Acanthisitta chloris, the titipounamu.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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